Monday, May 4, 2020

NE Still Plans to Hold In-Person Elections

Nebraska is forging ahead with plans to hold In-Person Primary Election on May 12th, despite Health Concerns about the Coronavirus Pandemic and Allegations that Political Motivations are fueling Opposition to an All-Mail Approach.

Republicans who hold All Statewide Offices and Control the Legislature have encouraged Voters to cast Early, Absentee Ballots. However, they argue current State Law Requires Polling Sites to be Open and that it’s important for Voters to have a choice for how they Vote, even amid Health Concerns.

The Primary will decide a Democratic Contest to pick a Nominee to face Rep. Don Bacon (R) in the Omaha area’s 2nd Congressional District, traditionally the only U.S. House Seat in Nebraska where Democrats are Competitive. Voters will also pick Candidates in Dozens of ostensibly Nonpartisan Legislative Races, which could help determine whether Republicans gain a Super-Majority in the Legislature.

Nebraska Democrats have asserted for Weeks that Republican Leaders Don’t want to hold an All-Mail Election because of concern it would help Democrats, especially in the Urban areas of Omaha and Lincoln. Republicans have Dismissed such Claims, but Democrats point to Statements by President Trump who has said “you’d never have a Republican elected in this country again” if All States switched to Vote-by-Mail.

Officials Plan to provide All Poll Workers with: Gloves, Masks, Hand Sanitizer, and Wipes, and the State has Purchased 50 additional Ballot Drop-Off Boxes for Counties. Still, the Planned Election concerns some Public Health Officials who watched what happened in Wisconsin, where Public Health Departments Reported at least 19 People who Voted or Worked at the Polls have tested Positive for the Coronavirus.

More than 300,000 Nebraskans have requested Absentee Ballots, a level described as “unprecedented.” Given that, Officials are Predicting One of the Highest Turnouts for a Nebraska Primary. What’s less Clear is whether enough Workers will show up to Operate Voting Sites.

Nebraska has 1,240 Precincts Statewide but some will be Merged into One Location to Protect Vulnerable Residents. A Polling site normally located in an Assisted Living Facility will likely get Moved to another Voting Site with Adequate Space, such as a High School Gym, which Counties will decide Locally.

NYC Wins When Everyone Can Vote! Michael H. Drucker

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