Thursday, April 16, 2020

Federal Appeals Court Upheld MI Voter-Approved Independent Redistricting Commission

A Federal Appeals Court Upheld, a Michigan Voter-Approved Independent Redistricting Commission, which was overwhelmingly Approved by 61% of voters in 2018.

The Commission will be composed of 13 Randomly-Selected Michigan Registered Voters: Four who Affiliate with the Democratic Party, Four who Affiliate with the Republican Party, and Five who do Not Affiliate with either Major Political Party.

This Federal Court Decision is a Victory for the People of Michigan who worked tirelessly to ensure that Politicians cannot Pick their Voters.

This Federal Court Ruling should give everyone who is fed up with the Broken Political System hope that we can Enact Reforms that are both Meaningful and Constitutional.

The Michigan Measure’s main Proponent was a Grassroots Organization called Voters Not Politicians, which grew out of a Facebook Post by Katie Fahey, a concerned Citizen who became a National Champion of Reform. Fahey now serves on Issue One’s Board of Directors.

Issue One, is Committed to Returning Government to the American People and ensuring that the System works for those it’s intended to.

They're Proud to have Played a Part in Supporting this Effort in Michigan and are Pleased with this Win for Democracy!

NYC Wins When Everyone Can Vote! Michael H. Drucker

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