Glen Rock star illuminated to spread hope during the coronavirus pandemic

Scott Fisher
York Daily Record

In these gloomy days, as COVID-19 spreads across the community, some residents of Glen Rock wanted to spread a little light and hope instead.

They took to a Glen Rock Facebook page and asked that the big star on Ridge Avenue be lighted.

The Glen Rock Hose and Ladder Co., keeper of the star, was happy to oblige.

The Glen Rock star has been illuminated to spread hope during the coronavirus pandemic.

Fire Chief Ron McCullough said the company decided to light the star, which normally is illuminated only during the Thanksgiving and Christmas holidays.

“It’s been a big inspiration,” he said. “People wanted something to brighten their days, and that did it.”

The star, which spans 20 feet, has been a beloved fixture in Glen Rock since 1959. The original wooden star was replaced in 1977 with one made of aluminum. It was also moved to a new location and raised another 16 feet.

Ten years later, the star was moved again to a site donated by the Glen Rock Jaycees. The star was refurbished in 2005, and then again in 2015 when new LED bulbs were added.

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The Glen Rock star, by day.