Why Ben Franklin came to York during the French & Indian War

Gordon Freireich

Franklin & Washington, The Founding Partnership is a newly published history book by author Edward L. Larson.

The narrative tells of how the lives and careers of the two men intersected over the years.

“By 1755,” the author writes, “Philadelphia was British North America’s largest city and Pennsylvania its most prosperous colony for small family farms,” including those “on fertile land stretching from Easton and Bethlehem through Lebanon and York.” Founded in 1741, York was still a small community on the edge of the frontier.

However, York was destined to play a bigger role than that brief mention in the book.

Other history books reveal more.

Benjamin Franklin

During the French and Indian War, English Gen. Edward Braddock landed in Virginia in 1755 with instructions to drive the French out of the western frontier, in particular, that far section of the Pennsylvania colony.

He was in charge of two regiments of British troops plus provincial troops coming from Pennsylvania, Virginia and Maryland. He was in need of supply wagons and horses for the expedition. The Quaker-dominated Pennsylvania Assembly in Philadelphia dragged its feet because of their opposition to war.

Enter Benjamin Franklin – already well-known in the colonies -- who came to York and Lancaster that year.

George Prowell’s 19097 History of York County tells of Franklin’s visit to the two communities to obtain the needed equipment. Expressing Braddock’s disappointment over the lack of wagons and livestock to support the military advance, Franklin stated in a proclamation to the Yorkers and others in April of 1755:

It was proposed to send an armed force immediately into these counties, to seize as many of the best wagons and horses as should be wanted, and compel as many persons into service as should be necessary to drive and take care of them.

The people of these back counties (i.e. York, Lancaster and Cumberland) have lately complained to the Assembly that a sufficient currency was wanting; you have now an opportunity of receiving and dividing among you a very considerable sum; for if the service of this expedition should continue (as it’s more than probable it will) for 120 days, the hire of these wagons and horses will amount to upwards of thirty thousand pounds, which will be paid to you in silver and gold in the king’s money.

If that figure did not get the colonists’ attention, Franklin added:

If this method of obtaining the wagons and horses is not likely to succeed, I am obliged to send word to the General (Braddock) in fourteen days, and I suppose Sir John St. Clair, the Hussar, with a body of soldiers, will immediately enter the province, of which I shall be sorry to hear, because, I am very sincerely and truly Your friend and well-wisher, B. Franklin.

In other words, the residents could be paid for the wagons and horses or they could be conscripted by the British military for the travel to the strategically located French Fort Duquesne (later to become the site of Pittsburgh).

The resident of the counties knew what was best for them and Prowell writes:

“Within two weeks 150 wagons and teams, and 259 pack horses were on their way to Braddock’s headquarters.” Prowell also states “the quartermaster came to York and Carlisle and procured 1,200 barrels of flour from the Cumberland and York County grist mills and had them conveyed to the headquarters of the army.”

The expedition did not go as planned. Close to Fort Necessity, the Native Americans, aligned with the French, attacked the British and provincial troops from the cover of the forest. The British were accustomed to meeting the enemy in straight line formations. As Prowell notes, the British officers – wearing their uniforms and mounted on horses – were easily picked off by the opposing forces. Braddock was wounded during the battle and died a few days later.

A young Virginian, who was serving as an aide with Braddock and had hopes of receiving a British military commission, was one of the few officers to survive.

His name: George Washington.

Gordon Freireich is a former editor of the York Sunday News. Email: gordonaf2805@gmail.com.