Slides and sculptures remain solid attractions at Chambersburg IceFest despite rain

Roxann Miller
For Herald-Mail Media

Umbrellas were the accessory of the day Saturday at the 18th annual IceFest in downtown Chambersburg, but a little rain didn’t keep thousands from flocking to the state’s largest ice festival.

In her new role as coordinator of the Downtown Business Council, Andrea Finch was pleased with Saturday’s attendance.

“Saturday is the biggest day for IceFest. Of course, we wish it wasn’t raining right now but still we have lots of people on the streets, and we have buses lined up at the Big Lots parking lot” at the Southgate Mall, Finch said.

This year’s festival featured more than 100 ice sculptures, including 12 giant sculptures, crafted by carvers from DiMartino Ice and made from 38 tons of ice.

IceFest Chairwoman Penny Shaul said this year’s event featured the most ice sculptures, to date.

“We’ve increased every year, but this year was a notable increase. This year we really strived to have some new sculpture (designs), because we had heard a couple of comments that it’s always the same sculptures,” Shaul said.

All the giant sculptures are new designs this year.

Every year, about 15,000 people visit the four-day festival, which began Thursday and continues today.

Shaul, who is owner of Here’s Looking at You clothing on Main Street, said the event brings foot traffic to the historic downtown.

“Even if I’m not ringing the register today ... any time I can get 10,000 people walking by my window, how could it not do well for my business?” she said.

Aden Hollenshead of St. Thomas and his sister Addyson rode the 40-foot ice slide over and over at IceFest on Saturday, Feb. 1, 2020, in downtown Chambersburg.

The event benefits The Chambersburg Council for the Arts, the Downtown Business Council and Downtown Chambersburg Inc.

The first stop for the Hollenshead family of St. Thomas, Pa., was the Olympia Candy Kitchen to buy some sweet treats before heading to the 40-foot, double-wide ice slide.

“Mommy, I want to do it again. It was so much fun!” exclaimed Aden, 6, after racing down the slide with his sister Addyson, 12.

While Aden and Addyson raced back to the ice slide line, their mother Amber and father Andy waited along the side snapping photos.

“I think it’s just a chance for everybody to get out. It’s the wintertime so everybody’s cooped up. This is a chance to get out, see friends and support the local business,” said Andy Hollenshead.

It was the Crosbie family’s first visit to IceFest.

“We really like it. It’s very nice,” said Anne Marie Crosbie of Martinsburg, W.Va.

As her husband, Will, and daughter Adalynn, 4, poked their heads through the openings of one of the giant sculptures, Crosbie took some photos to preserve the day’s fun.

Chambersburg resident Sean Kline and his daughter Nora, 6, were the unofficial IceFest tour guides for longtime friends Carol and Kenny Allman, Grantsville, and their daughter Maggie and family St. Bernard Jojoe.

The Allman family attended IceFest 2019 and liked it so much that they returned this year.

“We come down and hang out with our friends, and Jojoe likes to see everybody — they have to stop and pet her, and she loves it,” Kenny Allman said.

Ice wasn’t the only attraction at the festival. In addition to Icing on the Cake, a cake-decorating contest, frozen flicks, Chili Q and beer garden, organizers added a cornhole tournament this year.

Fifteen teams with 30 participants took part in IceFest’s first cornhole tournament. Registration was $40 per team with profits benefiting Redneck Outlaws, which supports local families battling cancer.

IceFest activities continue through Sunday. For more information, log onto www.icefestpa.com