Tuesday, January 14, 2020

Wedding Hymn

As more couples want congregational singing at their nuptials, here's one you might suggest and/or encourage. It's designed with straight-forward language set to a tune that everybody knows ("Joyful, joyful..."), so only the text needs to be printed.
I did this for the wedding of dear friend Goeun (Lee) to Everett Minshall in the James Chapel at Union Seminary in New York in January 2019.
I decided a year later it was time to post it. I had to change one line; see parenthesis.

Wedding Hymn
Text: R. G. Rg Huff

With great joy and celebration
we have gathered in this place,
standing here with friends and fam’ly   (on this day in January)
in this holy, sacred space.
Come, Creator of all beauty,
of all music, craft and art.
Play your music, paint your portrait
clearly in each open heart.

Bless the two who stand before us
now to join their lives as one.
Give them hope for bright tomorrows;
may your will in them be done.
Ever shine your light upon them
in your mercy, by your pow’r.
Hear these vows, these words, this music,
ev’ry promise made this hour.

Heart of God, with love surround us,
here embrace us as we sing.
Smile upon us, show your favor,
harmony and pleasure bring.
Source of love, O fount of goodness,
keep this couple ever true;
with respect for one another,
hold them ever close to you.


© 2019 by WorshipRx.com
Permission granted for duplication and use

1 comment:

  1. R.G., I love this! Having just remarried after Lindsey's death, I can hear in my head these words being sung. My new bride, Brenda, and I met in choir. She wanted mostly music, and that's what we got: solo's by Elizabeth and a great tenor in our choir; the choir itself singing a couple of numbers; a trio; and even my granddaughter, Vivian, playing Ode To Joy on her trumpet accompanied by our organist as the recessional. Bless you for writing this. Rudy


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Hymnlines - Hemlines: Get it?! :)

Hymnlines - Hemlines: Get it?! :)