Opinion: Will Florida remain a red state?

Ralph R. Miano

When we bought our winter home in Naples 16 years ago, the dominant license plates other than Florida seemed to be from the Midwest. Over time, the proportion of Midwestern plates has greatly diminished.

I never had much contact with Midwesterners before coming to Naples. To me, that was the “fly over” area of our country. That changed when we bought in a golfing community that had a large number of Midwesterners. We found them to be wonderful, honest and fun people. 

Most "snowbirds" used to vacation in Naples during February, March and April. This has dramatically changed to the benefit of the owners of restaurants, retail stores, and medical facilities, etc. The “season” now extends from mid-October to mid-May. Many retirees remain for the entire 12 months minus vacations.

Ralph Miano

The large early migration of “snowbirds” to Florida was from the northeastern states in the winter to the southeastern coast of Florida. They enjoyed the warm weather, the beautiful beaches, year-round golf and tennis. In addition, the convenience of Interstate95 and the extensive number of flights made travel relatively easy.

It has become obvious recently that Southwest Florida has become the choice of many residents of the Northeast and Midwest for ”snow birding.” This has been stimulated in part by excellent direct air service. In addition, the spaciousness of this area, its fabulous beaches, the numerous golf and tennis facilities and a large number of available modest-cost condos and single-family homes is a great attraction.

The large number of “snowbirds” from the northeastern states that have settled in Florida over the past three decades has dramatically altered the political demographics, not only in southeast Florida but the entire state as well. It is akin to the current changes in Arizona and Texas as a result of numerous Californians fleeing high taxes, sanctuary cities, homelessness, high cost of living and poor public schools.

Florida is the third largest state in terms of population. Most northeastern states and Illinois are “blue states”. Many of their residents sell their homes and gain a significant reduction in property and income taxes when they move to Florida. This is not to mention the many other amenities including the quality of life here.

Liberals living in the Northeast and Illinois may opt to move to any other state in the U.S. Most of them vehemently complain about the high income and property taxes, crime rates, poor performing public schools and homeless living on the streets. The huge debt burden due to insufficient funds to pay the future retirement and health care for public employees as well as state and local government malfeasance seriously limits the ability to complete needed infrastructure projects and improve schools.

The question is, will liberals who decide to move to Florida and become residents maintain their Pavlovian instincts in their voting habits? Frankly, this migration is seriously changing our political demographics. Former northeastern and Illinois residents, as well as those who remain in those states, are directly responsible for the situations there. Most Floridians like the way Florida is currently managed. Certainly here are issues in Florida that need major attention but compared to the full bag of worms elsewhere, most of us would choose Florida every time.

Ask yourself, “what kind of state would you like Florida to be if you’re a resident? Would you like it to continue to be managed as it currently is, or would you like it managed and operated like your former state? The choice is yours.

- Ralph Miano is a research chemist and retired vice president of advanced technology for Celanese Corporation in Summit, N.J.