Wednesday, November 6, 2019

Easthampton, MA Voters Pass Ballot Measure for RCV

On November 5th, the Voters of Easthampton, Massachusetts, Approved All Ballot Questions:

- Ranked-Choice Voting (RCV), for Mayor Passed 2,297 to 1,855, for District City Councilors Passed 2,306 to 1,840.

- Municipal Light Plant, got the Most Support of any of the Four Ballot Questions, passing 3,300 to 790.

- Four-year Term for the City’s Mayor, passed with less than 100 Votes at 2,123 to 2,028.

RCV Mayor and District City Councilors could come to Easthampton as soon as 2021. And although the Mayor could Delay this for One Election Cycle, Mayor Nicole LaChapelle said that the Goal is to be Ready by the Next Election. “The goal is to do it for next time,” said LaChapelle, who said she Supports RCV Statewide.

Other Elected Offices in Easthampton will Not use RCV.

The Vote Authorizing a Municipal Light Plant will help the City to continue to pursue Municipal Broadband, although Establishing a Plant will have to be Signed Off by the Mayor, and Funded by the City Council.

On the Four-year Mayor Term Passing, LaChapelle said it was a “great decision for the city. Long term, it’s just going to make more viable a mayoral run for more people,” she said. LaChapelle said that in Two years she’ll have to Run for a Four-year Term.

NYC Wins When Everyone Can Vote! Michael H. Drucker

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