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Ramsey voters approve $711K budget increase for all-day kindergarten

RAMSEY — The school district will turn its attention to "construction plans and competitive bids" following Tuesday's voter approval of a $711,000 budget increase to finance staffing for all-day kindergarten, projected to begin next fall.

"Our staff is so excited to get started on detailed plans to bring this dream into reality," said School Superintendent Matthew Murphy. "Hopefully residents will see work being done before this school year ends."

The ballot question passed with an unofficial vote of 2,330 to 1,378. 

Voters approved a $42.9 million bond referendum last December which includes the construction of kindergarten rooms at Tisdale and Hubbard schools. However, district officials cautioned they would not begin the construction phase until residents also approved a separate question on Tuesday to staff the program.

REFERENDUM:Ahead of Ramsey full-time kindergarten referendum, district to hold info sessions

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Ramsey is the last school district in Bergen County with a half-day kindergarten program, largely because its current facilities could not provide enough kindergarten-friendly rooms to accommodate all its students at once. Hubbard required five classrooms, Tisdale needed four.

The current referendum adds $99 a year to taxes on the average home in Ramsey assessed at $522,942. Last year's referendum added $292 to the school tax portion of the property tax bill.

Murphy said he does not expect all aspects of the kindergarten construction to be completed by September, but should be "within a few months" of that target date.

"The short time span between the opening of school and full use of the new space will require some flexibility," Murphy said. 

Marsha Stoltz is a local reporter for NorthJersey.com. For unlimited access to the most important news from your local community, please subscribe or activate your digital account today.

Email: stoltz@northjersey.com Twitter: @marsha_stoltz