Saturday, November 2, 2019

Trump's Wall and Power Saws

President Trump's New Replacement Board Walls are being taken down by $100 Power Saws.

Smugglers have basically Modified your Standard Issue $100 Cordless Power Saws to Saw through the New Replacement Portions of the Wall in just Minutes.

Border Agents said that Smugglers Slice through the Barrier’s Steel-and-Concrete Bollards, they are able to Push the Steel through, creating a Passageway Big Enough to fit Humans and Drugs.

“Because the bollards are so tall and are attached only to a panel at the very top—their length makes them easier to push aside once they have been cut and are left dangling,” Engineers said.

The Smugglers are then able to Replace the Cut-Out Portion of the Bollard in order to Avoid Detection, allowing them to Reuse the Hole and creating a Door.

Border Officials say some of these Intrusions have occurred in areas where Electronic Sensors designed to Detect Vibrations from Sawing have Not yet been Installed.

Border Agents have taken to Scanning for Chinks in the Wall and Kicking it with their Boots.

These same Officials also point out that “the wall” was Never intended to be the Only Line of Defense, that Well-Funded Crime Syndicates Adapt.

“The smuggling crews have been using other techniques, such as building makeshift ladders to scale and overtop the barriers, especially in the popular smuggling areas in and around San Diego,” nearly a Dozen U.S. Agents and Current and Former Administration Officials said.

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