041: How to Build Your Personal or Church Platform without Being Selfish—An Interview With Daniel Decker

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So you or your church wants to establish a bigger platform to increase your audience or reach.

But how do you do it effectively without coming across as…selfish?

Daniel Decker has helped authors reach the New York Times best seller list and helped many leaders, churches and businesses build their platforms without compromising their character.

Welcome to Episode 41 of the Podcast.

The Higher Level Group


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Tools For Authors and Platform Builders

Quick Tips for Authors

Michael Hyatt

Mark Sanborn

Crystal Paine (Money Saving Mom)

The Energy Bus by Jon Gordon

Seth Godin

Ken Blanchard

The Art of Work by Jeff Goins

People over Profit: A Proven Path to Discovering What You Were Meant to Do by Dale Partridge

Mark Batterson; Episode 32

Jab, Jab, Jab, Right Hook: How to Tell Your Story in a Noisy Social World by Gary Vaynerchuk

Judah Smith

Steven Furtick

Do Over: Rescue Monday, Reinvent Your Work, and Never Get Stuck by Jon Acuff; Episode 24

Andy Stanley; Episode 1

Casey Graham; Episode 3

Rich Birch; Episode 8

John Maxwell

Tony Morgan

Ramit Sethi (Warning: Some may find the language in his content offensive.)

Kevin Jennings

3 Things You Can Do Right Away

When you build your audience, you want to ensure that your platform matches your purpose. Is your focus on serving your audience or serving yourself? Daniel Decker is the master strategist behind some of the most nationally-recognized leaders and tells us how to keep your ego from sabotaging your brand.

1. Develop your platform, but you don’t have to use all available mediums. Most people don’t start with a large audience they can influence, and that’s ok. What many people don’t do is look at it from a holistic vantage point. They don’t leverage what they have to reach their maximum efficiency. Where do you want to go? Who do you want to speak into? If you can’t identify those things, you’re shooting at a moving target, and you’re never going to hit it. Start your strategy with your current platform and develop it with the mediums you’re most comfortable with. If you like using Facebook over Twitter, you don’t have to start tweeting. Don’t understand Instagram? You don’t have to create an account. It isn’t always relevant to sign up for every available social media channel.

2. Help people. How do you know if you’re being self-promoting? When the attention starts to shift from “look at who I’m helping” to “look at who’s following me.” That subtle shift makes all the difference. Ask yourself, “Am I actually helping people? Am I honoring God?” Every leader has that degree or ego that helps them, but it has the danger to consume them when their platform starts to grow. It takes continual self-awareness, self-reflection and good people around you who are going to call you out when you start focusing on the wrong metrics. Stop focusing on making a million dollars. Focus on serving a million people.

3. Provide value. Everyone should have a platform if they’re trying to influence others, especially if they’re trying to make a positive impact. Create something that others will want to promote. After you’ve identified your goals, give something back that will benefit others, add value and make a difference in their lives. It could be an ebook, a webinar or a video. As you get comfortable with communicating with your audience, branch out to new platforms to increase growth.

Quotes from Daniel

041: How to Build Your Personal or Church Platform without Being Selfish—An Interview With Daniel Decker Share on X

041: How to Build Your Personal or Church Platform without Being Selfish—An Interview With Daniel Decker Share on X041: How to Build Your Personal or Church Platform without Being Selfish—An Interview With Daniel Decker Share on X041: How to Build Your Personal or Church Platform without Being Selfish—An Interview With Daniel Decker Share on X

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Next Episode: Brady Shearer

Church media is changing, and 24 year old Brady Shearer saw an opportunity.

Brady explains how his passion for church media and announcements led him to start a side business, Pro Church Tools, that has grown quickly and exponentially into a sizeable company, and how he’s learning to adopt to the massive growth he’s experienced.

Subscribe for free now, and you won’t miss Episode 42.

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Carey Nieuwhof
Carey Nieuwhof

Carey Nieuwhof is a best-selling leadership author, speaker, podcaster, former attorney, and church planter. He hosts one of today’s most influential leadership podcasts, and his online content is accessed by leaders over 1.5 million times a month. He speaks to leaders around the world about leadership, change, and personal growth.