CNLP 054: Jud Wilhite With Practical Help on Transitioning a Church

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The vast majority of churches in Western culture are not church plants, they’re churches that need to be transitioned.

Jud Wilhite gives an exceptionally honest and helpful explanation of how he transitioned Central Christian Church in Las Vegas from success…to even greater success, sharing lots of transferable principles.

Welcome to Episode 54 of the Podcast.


Central Christian Church

Leading and Loving it

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Dr. John Walker

Leadership Pain: The Classroom for Growth

Things You Can Do Right Away

Whether you’re transitioning into a church of 50 or 5,000, the process is often turbulent. Jud Wilhite shares his insights on the conflicts he encountered and how he handled changes with grace and patience.

  1. Hold to your sense of calling. Statistics said that Jud wouldn’t make it through the first year, and in fact, he says that he and his wife left boxes packed in their garage. But despite the odds that were against him, he said that he continued to listen to God and follow His calling. He kept a humble spirit, stayed faithful and continued to learn. He focused on loving others, building relationships and listening to those he trusted.
  2. Focus on the health of your board. You need to listen to the framework of where the church is coming from and where the people are coming from. And keep an open ear for some key things, such as gossip and hidden agendas. Your board will watch your back and stand with you. If you keep the board behind you, you can get through anything. If you’re healthy at the top, you’ll be healthy throughout your ministry.
  3. Brace yourself for the inevitable exit ahead. During a transition, you can expect things to get messy. People are going to leave, and feelings will get hurt. Remember that it will get the worst as key leaders friends leave, but stay committed to the vision, mission and course of action you agreed on together.

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Next Episode: Brad Lomenick

Leadership is changing. Carey brings Brad Lomenick back on the podcast to talk about 3 essential components it takes to lead in today’s culture. Plus, Brad is giving away 25 copies of his new book H3 Leadership to podcast listeners. Tune in for details on how to win.

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Carey Nieuwhof
Carey Nieuwhof

Carey Nieuwhof is a best-selling leadership author, speaker, podcaster, former attorney, and church planter. He hosts one of today’s most influential leadership podcasts, and his online content is accessed by leaders over 1.5 million times a month. He speaks to leaders around the world about leadership, change, and personal growth.