Advice for teachers from educators who've been there, done that

Jasmine Vaughn-Hall
York Daily Record

Everyone remembers their favorite teacher. No matter what grade you were in, their personality, teaching style, and support affected you in some way. 

So, is there a surefire way to be an amazingly unforgettable educator? Not really. But, after a crowd-sourcing effort on Fixing York and other parts of Facebook, educators started giving advice about how to be successful in the classroom. 

Take notes. Here's what a few of them had to say. 

Stay in touch with parents

"Keep your parents informed. Call home when their kids are doing well...not just when things are going south."

—Barbara Haskin

Seating charts are worth it 

"I always used seating charts. It’s an easy way to quickly learn the student’s name and it saved class time with roll call. I’d also change the chart based on any disciplinary problems with students who were close friends and wanted to chat with each other."

—Sandy Brammer 

Patience is a virtue 

"Be a good listener, and be as patient with the children as much as possible."

—Charity Naylor-Schmidt 

Build a relationship with students 

"The most important thing you can do is establish a positive relationship with your students. They will work much harder for a teacher they know cares about them than one they know is collecting [a] paycheck. It is all about the relationship."

—Rina Houck

Manage your classroom  

"Structure and classroom management are essential. You can have the best lesson plans in the world[,but] if you can't manage behavior in a fair and respectful way, your students won't learn. This is true of every age group, socioeconomic status, and subject. And the best educators are thieves and plagiarizers- steal every good idea, lesson plan, and project you see- then make it your own. Finally, teach process and methods- not just facts and information. Break down every step. The things that come naturally to you may be Greek to your students."

—Andrew Blackstone

Consistency is key 

"Be strict from day one. And fair. And the students will respect you for it."

—Annalisa Gojmerac

Keep wine handy at home

"There are some days where you will feel triumphant and will celebrate with a glass of wine and then there are days where you’ll feel defeated and need a glass of wine. Either way, wine will become your best friend." 

—Staci Kahn

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Follow Jasmine on Twitter @jvaughn411 or give her a call at 717-495-1789.