10 Travel Safety Tips

a black and gold sign with a circleBusiness travel is critical to the jobs of many people, including yours truly. Whether you’re traveling for fun or for work, especially as a woman on her own, travel safety is always something to keep in mind. I’ve personally had all kinds of crazy stuff happen, including random employees walking into my hotel room, people following me off the elevator, being assigned someone else’s room… It’s not overreacting to take basic safety precautions! Here are my top 10 travel safety tips.

  1. Choose a hotel with indoor room entrances. This will keep random people from wandering up to your hotel room.
  2. Use valet parking, if it’s available. It may be more expensive but it’s safer than wandering around a parking garage or parking lot late at night.
  3. Ask for two keys. This way it’s not as obvious that you’re traveling alone. If the clerk says your room number out loud ask for a new room.
  4. Lock your deadbolt AND YOUR SECURITY LATCH anytime you’re in the room. Some travelers keep a rubber door stop in their suitcase in case their hotel doesn’t have a security latch, which I think is super smart. 
  5. Hang your Do Not Disturb sign as soon as you get into your room. It won’t deter everyone, but hotel employees who need access to your room at that point should have to call first. 
  6. Don’t hang anything on your door other than the Do Not Disturb sign. If you need to have your room cleaned call housekeeping. Don’t use the room service door hanger, as anyone who looks at it can see that you are traveling alone.
  7. Don’t stay on the ground floor. If you have no other option, be sure to check the windows or balcony doors to make sure they are locked. (Also make sure any connecting doors are locked.)
  8. Be aware of your surroundings as you get off the elevator. If someone gets off the elevator and is following behind you don’t go directly to your room.
  9. If someone knocks on your door unexpectedly DO NOT answer it, no matter who they say they are. Ask who it is, and call the front desk to confirm that they sent housekeeping/security/whoever.
  10. Don’t put your home address on your luggage tags. Instead, put your work address or just your phone number. 

I know this sounds like a lot of things to worry about, but if you travel long enough by yourself all kinds of things happen. A few precautions can make all the difference! 

Readers, any travel safety tips to add? What do you do to stay safe on the road?


Be sure to check out my page with products I recommend for travel!

a flat lay of hair accessories

Have a travel question or suggestion? Send it to RW @RoadWarriorette.com.

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