Tuesday, May 21, 2019

NY Ranked-Choice Voting Bills

New York State Assemblywoman Barbara Lifton (D-125th District) introduced a Bill, not numbered yet, that would allow Ranked-Choice Voting (RCV) to be conducted on a Trial Basis for County and Local Elections, including School Boards, in the 2022 and 2023 Election years.

RCV would serve as a Local Option and its Implementation would be subject to a Vote by the Residents of that Municipality.

Lifton said where RCV was Implemented, such as Maine and some U.S. Cities, have seen "more people voting and reduced negative election rhetoric."

“New York State, despite recent improvements, still has the ninth lowest voter turnout rate in the country, and as we explore ways to reverse this trend, it’s important that we be open to innovative reforms, like ranked choice voting, that have the potential to strengthen our democracy," Lifton said.

This type of Voting would save Money for Municipalities by avoiding the Cost of Runoff Elections, in a situation where a Runoff could be required.

“The ranked choice voting system has several potential benefits,” Lifton said. “For starters, in a race with multiple candidates, it allows voters to choose their favorite candidate without fear that they will play the spoiler and help elect a candidate to whom they are strongly opposed. Secondly, it likely cuts down on negative campaigning, because it encourages candidates to seek out second- and even third-choice votes, thus discouraging candidates from alienating voters who support another candidate as their first choice. Finally – and this in my mind is probably the biggest advantage – it encourages higher voter turnout and ensures that the winning candidate has true majority support, rather than just a plurality in a multi-candidate contest.”

New York State Senator Liz Krueger (D-28th District), my State Senator, carries a Matching Bill (S2717).

At the same time, the 2019 New York City Council Charter Revision Commission is developing the Ballot Questions for General Election. RCV for the New York City Primary is on the list.

NYC Wins When Everyone Can Vote! Michael H. Drucker

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