Tuesday, April 16, 2019

Republicans Used 1924 Law to Get Tax Returns

In 1924, Republicans on the House Ways and Means Committee Requested, and got, the Tax Returns of Various Conservative and Liberal Groups, as they saw fit. Some of which they even made Public, in Violation of the Authorizing Oversight Law.

Accusing Democrats of having “Political”, as Opposed to Legitimate Oversight, Reasons for Wanting to see Trump’s Tax Returns is the GOP’s Main Talking Point these days.

And as Talking Points go, it’s an Awkward one. Republicans themselves used Private Tax Returns for Political Purposes just a few years ago, and they used the very Same Law that Democrats are now relying on to Request the Last Six years of Trump’s Tax Returns.

Back in 2013, Republicans thought the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) under President Obama was Mistreating Conservative Groups that wanted to be Recognized as Tax-Exempt Nonprofits. So they asked the IRS to Hand Over Tax Information for Conservative Groups such as Crossroads GPS as well as a few Liberal Groups such as Priorities USA.

Two Congressional Chairman has the Power to Ask the IRS for Copies of Anyone’s Tax Return thanks to a 1924 Law enacted as a Check on Corruption in the Executive Branch.

Could you imagine just how Terrible Trump’s Tax Returns are to get this Level of Resistance about Revealing Them?

When used to Compare against his Banking Records, etc, they’re almost certainly will show Financial Problems.

Could he fear it shows Ties to Deutsche Bank Loans that generated Revenue Streams from the Saudis and the Russians? If Funds were Treated as Loans that weren’t Bona Fide Loans, he’s potentially got real Problems from a Tax Standpoint?

NYC Wins When Everyone Can Vote! Michael H. Drucker

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