Kalyn's Kitchen

Easy Carb-Conscious Recipes


Asparagus with Basil Vinaigrette
2024-05-17 12:59 UTC by Kalyn Denny

Combine the best of spring and summer in this recipe for barely-steamed Asparagus with Basil Vinaigrette, and don’t miss my trick for using more of the asparagus stems! And if you like asparagus and the idea of basil-flavored vinaigrette, you’re going to love this recipe.

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Asparagus with Basil Vinaigrette close-up photo

Fresh asparagus has been on sale in my favorite grocery store, and when asparagus starts to get less expensive I find myself wanting it over and over. And this Asparagus with Basil Vinaigrette has been one of my favorites for years and I’m recommending it as my Friday Favorites pick this week!

The barely-cooked asparagus in this recipe is kicked up with the Basil Vinaigrette that’s a spring and summer treat I look forward to every year for drizzling on tomatoes, vegetables, and grilled chicken or fish, and asparagus with basil vinaigrette tastes just as amazing! This weekend I’ll be getting my first basil plants of the season to go out on the patio, so it’s a perfect time to make this. And you may want to make extra basil vinaigrette because it’s good on so many things!

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