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Finding Your Decorating Style & a $400 Visa Gift Card Giveaway!

I didn’t always know what my decorating style was.  Or at the very least, I didn’t know what to call it or how to describe it in words.  But I’ve always been drawn to bold colors, and the color red has always been my “signatuh culuh”.   😉

The DIY Style Finer

For me it all started with a red Radio Flyer tricycle and Strawberry Shortcake.  From there, my first car was red, and I insisted on wearing a long red dress to my junior prom.  The very first time I painted a room by myself as a brand new homeowner?  You guessed it, I chose a bold red wall color.  And I quickly learned about the importance of a good primer.  (But that’s a story for another time. 😉 )

The point is I’ve always known what makes my heart sing, and fun color is something I’ve always wanted to be surround with in life.

DIY Style Finder Contemporary

I love interiors that don’t take themselves too seriously.  Design that feels playful and happy.  Rooms that make you smile.  That’s totally my interior design jam!

The DIY Style Finder

Spaces that are as unique as your personality!  Rooms that rise up to greet you!  Yes, please!

The DIY Style Finder

Figuring out your decorating style can be such a tricky thing.  And that’s exactly why my friend KariAnne wrote The DIY Style Finder!  To take the guess work out and help you find your way in the wonderfully wide world of decorating.  So that the process of creating home can be FUN not stressful.

DIY Style Finder Contemporary

The book starts out with a quiz to help you determine what your style is.  You can take the online version here.  And I can attest to the accuracy.  Here’s a look at my own results.  😉

The DIY Style Finder Quiz

From there the book takes you through the different types of decorating styles as you explore the homes of KariAnne and four other home decor bloggers.  And I can honestly say this book is the perfect combination of inspiration and practical real-life decorating tips.  And no, I’m not just saying that because my own home is featured throughout these beautiful, glossy pages.  😉  But for real y’all!

I could not be more proud of my dear friend for writing this amazing book, and I am just so honored to have been a part of this incredible project!  This book has been two years in the making, and to see it finally available in stores is just beyond exciting!

If you order the book here I’ll be your BFF!  🙂

To celebrate launch week all of us are giving away prize packages valued at $400!   

DIY Style Finder

For my prize package I decided I wanted one lucky winner to receive a $400 Visa Gift Card, so that whoever the lucky winner is can put together their own personal prize package!  To enter this $400 Visa Gift Card giveaway just follow the simple instructions on the form below.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Visit These Blogs to Enter to Win!

You can enter each of our giveaways until Friday, March 15th.


Tuesday, March 5: ROOMS FOR RENT

Wednesday, March 6:  FINDING HOME FARMS

Friday, March 8: STONEGABLE

Good Luck and thank you all so much for your excitement about The DIY Style Finder

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  • I’m Traditional all the way but like to throw in a few eclectic pieces to keep it from being too stuffy looking.

  • Congratulations on being a part of this book. I took the quiz and I’m a combination of Contemporary and Transitional. I;m currently looking into a kitchen update as well as making my office more inviting to work in and not a catch all. Your blog and now this book will help me with the decision making process. Thanks for sharing your design choices!

  • I got 40% Traditional, 40% Farmhouse and 20% Coastal…sounds about right to me!

  • What a fun quiz! Traditional was the winner with Contemporary close second, very accurate! Thanks!

  • I am farmhouse and traditional. The quiz said heavier on the farmhouse, but I think I am really more traditional than farmhouse.

  • So fun! I love reading your blog even though our styles are very different…I just like it when people KNOW what they like!

  • I got 40% contemporary, 30% farmhouse, and 30% transitional. I love eclectic decor, so I can’t say I’m surprised!

  • Thanks for the fun quiz! My highest score was in Coastal.
    I have been enjoying watching the progress on your new home.

  • I ranked 40% farmhouse, 40% contemporary, and 20% traditional! Thanks for the giveaway opportunity!

  • How much fun that was! I am Farmhouse/Coastal! So happy to have found your blog! I love YOUR style!

  • I guess my Maine heritage pays off since I am 50% Coastal, 30% Farmhouse and 20% Contemporary.This was a very interesting quiz!

  • Mostly contemporary with 20% Coastal and 20% transitional. Probably accurate for an ex-NY stater living in Chucktown- ha!

  • My style is Traditional followed by Farmhouse and Transitional! The quiz is fun!

    Have a great week and thanks for the giveaway opportunity!

  • I got 50% transitional, 30% traditional, and 20% farmhouse style. Pretty dead on! 🙂

  • My top style by a large margin was Coastal – no big surprise as I just love the beach

  • I like that this follows true classifications, not some cutesy categories that I can’t apply elsewhere. Going to take the quiz now!

  • I’m a good mix. Traditional, contemporary and farmhouse. I’ve followed your blog for years and can’t wait to see the new house 🙂

  • I am 60% contemporary, 20% traditional and. 20% farmhouse. This is super helpful bc we are moving across the country and I need style guide help!!!

  • Meet Carmel

    Carmel Our Fifth House



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