Why two pastors wanted to desegregate worship: White church joins black church for MLK Day

Sarah Lehr
Lansing State Journal

LANSING — The Rev. Martin Luther King, Jr. once referred to 11 a.m. on a Sunday as "one of the most segregated hours" in Christian America.

Two Lansing pastors wanted that to change, at least for one Sunday.

The members of Sycamore Creek Church, most of whom are white, visited a mostly black church, Epicenter of Worship, for services in honor of Martin Luther King, Jr. Day.

The partnership grew out of a friendship between Tom Arthur, Sycamore Creek pastor, and Sean Holland, pastor at Epicenter of Worship.

While on sabbatical last summer, Arthur attended church at Epicenter of Worship. It was a trying time for Arthur — both of his parents had died and his wife was diagnosed with breast cancer — and so the pastor relied on another pastor, Holland, for spiritual guidance.

Holland had been struggling with personal difficulties of his own, including a house fire, and the two men developed a bond. They went sailing and shared conversations over coffee, including conversations about racism.

Holland, who is black, told Arthur, who is white, about the "constant, day-to-day weight of being black" in America

Pastor Sean Holland of Epicenter of Worship Church, right, welcomes Pastor, Tom Arthur of Sycamore Creek Church before services Sunday, Jan. 20, 2019. The  predominately white Sycamore Church congregation joined Epicenter a predominately black congregation, for a celebration of the Rev. Martin Luther King Jr.

For instance, as a white man, Arthur felt he could walk into a bank without fear of discrimination. But, as a black man, Holland had to prove his respectability when asking for loans to establish his church.

The disparity even extended to how the two men dressed Sunday. Holland wore a suit and tie, complete with a pressed pocket square. Arthur wore jeans and a button-down shirt, a relaxed style of dress that Arthur attributed to his own white privilege.

"That's something that we've talked about," Arthur said, gesturing at his casual outfit with a slightly sheepish smile.

Holland added, "When you're black you don't have the luxury of assuming that white people or that institutions are going to take you seriously. Your race is something that you're almost always thinking about."

The services Sunday were one way to encourage white people to think more about race.

"I think it's important as learning experience for white pastors to sit under the spiritual leadership of black pastors," Arthur said. "That's why I think it was important for us as a predominately white church to get up and come here."

Davia Gooden sings with her daughter Naomi, 7 months, at Epicenter of Worship Church during the Martin Luther King services Sunday, Jan. 20, 2019. The church invited the pastor and members of the mostly white congregation of Sycamore Creek Church to the service.

Sarah Riggs, a white member of Sycamore Creek, felt the integrated services were a fitting tribute to the late civil rights leader Martin Luther King.

"It's starts with the church, you know, crossing boundaries," said Riggs, a Lansing resident. "We all believe in the same God."

Lansing resident Annamaria Horn, a member of Epicenter of Worship, was heartened by the presence of Sycamore Creek congregants.

"It was meaningful to touch the hands of someone else and pray," said Horn, who is black. "These are our movers, not just our talkers. They went from conversation to demonstration."

A diverse group of worshippers had the chance to break bread Sunday — both figuratively and literally, since brunch followed the service.

"I do think friendship is the starting point," Arthur said. "I don't racial reconciliation ends at friendship but I think that's a way into getting to the heavy stuff."

As he looked out at the mixed-race congregation Sunday, Arthur remarked that the view was something close to what heaven might look like.

"I think this sends a message to the city," Holland said. "This could be the rule rather than the exception."

Congegants from Epicenter of Worship and from Sycamore Creek sing praise music together at Epicenter of Worship Sunday, Jan. 20, 2019.


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Contact Sarah Lehr at (517) 377-1056 or slehr@lsj.com. Follow her on Twitter @SarahGLehr.