Waynesboro American Legion breaks ground on new building

Ashley Books
Chambersburg Public Opinion

WAYNESBORO - The Joe Stickell American Legion Post 15 is rising from the ashes after its home was destroyed in a fire just under a year ago. 

A new facility is now in the works for the organization, which broke ground during a ceremony Monday afternoon. It will be built at the same location as the old property at 63 E. Main Street in Waynesboro. 

The previous building burned down early Dec. 28, 2017 because of a cigarette that was placed in a trash can near the bar area, according to a news release from the Waynesboro Fire Department. The fire was ruled an accident. 

MORE:Cigarette in trash can started Waynesboro American Legion fire

Along with property, the blaze consumed many items inside, according to the post's current commander, Don Kauffman.

“(The past year has been) a nightmare," he said. "It’s been very hard. We lost everything, of course." 

Kauffman told Public Opinion before the groundbreaking that the Legion lost small things, like spoons, knives, napkins, as well as more expensive things, such as a $40,000 painting as well as a painting of Joe Stickell, for whom the post was named.

However, the organization received an outpouring of support from the community. The commander said everyone who is part of the Legion has been very helpful and stood by it. Others have also continued paying their dues. 

Waynesboro American Legion Post 15 Joe Stickell members pose for photos at the site of the former building that burned to the ground last year. Callas Contractors, Hagerstown, will construct the new building, to be completed between November and December of 2019.

Despite the tough past year, the Legion has pushed forward while deciding its next move. It is still holding meetings for its members in a room provided by the VFW Post 695 in Waynesboro, and has been operating out of a temporary office on South Potomac Street, which is open several days a week. 

An artist rendering shows what the new one-story building. Waynesboro American Legion Post 15 will be reconstructed after the  building  burned to the ground last year. Callas Contractors, Hagerstown, will construct the new building, to be completed between November and December of 2019.

More:'Felt like somebody died': Community reacts to loss of Waynesboro American Legion

Now, the organization is ready to take another step on its road to recovery. 

A bid was recently awarded to Callas Contractors in Hagerstown, Maryland, which was one of four firms that interviewed for the project. Construction will begin in December, and is expected to be completed in November of next year, according to Kauffman.

The new facility will be somewhat different from the 1800s-era home that previously housed the Legion. The commander noted it will be one floor, which will have a bar that will seat around 100 people, a game room, a kitchen and a ballroom with seating for around 260 people. 

Both Kauffman and the previous commander, Bill Hoover, were excited the organization finally broke ground. 

Hoover said he was very motivated to get the process started, adding that he spent up to six a days a week at the temporary office working to get contractors and pricing estimates, answer questions, and doing paperwork for the insurance company. 

MORE:Waynesboro American Legion to be razed as Post members ponder what's next

"We had to fight long and hard to get our money," Kauffman said. The new property will be financed through the $2.5 million the Legion received from the insurance company. 

The current commander previously told Public Opinion this step is a "great relief and in another way, it's a lot of work ahead of us right now." He noted the organization now needs to work with the borough to get permits and approvals, in addition to re-ordering the items destroyed in the fire. 

But when the process is finished, the two men will be able to get back something they said they've missed this year. 

Hoover said the past year has been heartbreaking for the Legion. He misses the people, the dinners, Sunday breakfasts with Bloody Marys and being able to enjoy a few drinks with his friends.

Between him and his wife, Kauffman talked about how the two were probably at the old building anywhere from five to seven times a week. 

"You miss that a lot when you go a year without that," he said. "So, we are looking forward to getting that up and running, and seeing our friends. We had a really good Legion, and we're going to have a better one now." 

Have a story or want to submit a tip? Contact Ashley Books at 717-262-4764 or email abooks@gannett.com.