Legal Week - Holman Fenwick Willan

Holman Fenwick Willan Articles


Eight-partner Barlows aviation team quits to join Holman Fenwick
2011-03-24 15:18 UTC by Sofia Lind, contributor

Holman Fenwick Willan has launched an aerospace and aviation practice with the hire of Barlow Lyde & Gilbert's highly-rated aviation team. The eight partner-team is joining Holman across its London, Hong Kong, Singapore, Sao Paulo and Dubai offices. The partners are Sue Barham (London), Peter Coles (Hong Kong), Richard Gimblett (London and Dubai), Mert Hifzi (Singapore), Nicholas Hughes (London), Giles Kavanagh (London), Keith Richardson (Singapore) and Jeremy Shebson (London and Sao Paulo).



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