Today I sat across from a client, listening to her describe her week and some of the challenges she was courageously facing. As she spoke, I noticed the green knit scarf she was wearing and how she wears that color in a way that few people can. The green color was so alive, like a growing plant wrapped gracefully around her neck. Then suddenly the plant on the table beside her, and the ivy plant to my right all seemed to be glowing the same color. Maybe it was due to a change in the light coming from outside the window, but for a moment I was struck with how the green seemed to be a living presence, quietly offering itself, to no one in particular, and for no apparent reason. It was just there, glowing, beautiful, brilliant green.

The Gift of Brilliant Green

There was nothing unusual going on at all. But it was an exquisite moment. One where I was present to what was in the room, receiving a gift. As though it was saying—See this! Open to this aliveness and take in the refreshment of brilliant green.

The moment came and went as I continued to listen and work with my client. But it lingered, and reminded me that she LOVES this color and is more alive and vibrant than she lets on. This prompted me to focus more on the living, green place inside her, and less on her words, which were not telling the whole story. This subtle guidance was a powerful catalyst for the rest of our meeting, where she also began to remember more of her own glowing, green nature that loves life with such enthusiasm.