The nature of my molten core is to flow. This intense, fiery place inside especially wants to flow outward, towards others and into the world. It’s what gives me the desire to connect with people. It inspires me to envision a better world and to take steps to help build that world. This outflowing is like a fulfillment of a promise I made deep in my heart—rooted in some time and place that I can’t even remember.


Outflowing is totally natural. Yet for me, it can be much more comfortable to stay tucked away behind the scenes than to come out in the direct spotlight. I love to connect, but the line of least resistance is to stay more interior and to limit my outflow. This creates a crusty barrier between me and my molten core. Not to mention me and the people I care about. I really don’t want that crustiness. And I really DO love the outflowing, once I get moving and feel the joy of it.


In fact, once this outflowing starts and gets some momentum, something deep and warm starts to emerge as a kind of blossoming generosity. It happened tonight, after a day with a lot of outflow. I was talking with a dear friend I haven’t seen in a long time. As we talked, it was no effort at all to reach farther into my own heart and to touch her heart as she was sharing about her struggle with her husband’s declining health. But I still had to choose to reach out. Once I did, the connection was as natural as breathing.


Outflowing allows something natural to be restored. It also adds something to my sense of self. It’s a feeling of fulfillment–knowing I’ve taken steps to keep a promise I made somewhere in my heart, to show up, to offer, to participate and to take the necessary risks. My core gets very molten about this!

What happens to you when you make the choice to outflow, to reach out even when you may not feel like it?