How to keep seeing PackersNews stories on Facebook

You can set your Facebook preferences to see PackersNews first.

Do you get your news from social media?

If so, you're not alone; in 2017, more than two-thirds of United States adults got their news from social media, according to Pew Research Center.

But the landscape of news on social media is ever-changing.

On Jan. 11, Facebook announced it would alter its News Feed, indicating it would reduce the number of posts you see from news organizations, businesses and brand pages in favor of content from your friends and family.

This means you could see fewer posts from your favorite news sources, including PackersNews. But here's the good news: There's an easy way to keep your favorite news sources visible in your Facebook News Feed. 

Want to continue getting the latest news and views from PackersNews on Facebook, plus all your other favorite pages and profiles? Here's how.

Facebook for iPhone

1. Select the three-line menu in the bottom right-hand corner of the app.

2. Scroll to the bottom of the menu and select "Settings." 

3. Select "News Feed Preferences."

4. Select "Prioritize who to see first." 

5. Select the pages and profiles you want to see appear first in your news feed (including PackersNews, please and thank you!). The pages and profiles you select will show a blue badge with a star.

6. Select "Done." 

Facebook for Android

1. Select the three-line menu in the top right-hand corner of the app.

2. Scroll to the bottom of the menu and select "News Feed Preferences."

3. Select "Prioritize who to see first."

4. Select the pages and profiles you want to see appear first in your news feed (including PackersNews, please and thank you!). 

5. Select "Done."

Facebook for desktop

1. On, select the drop-down arrow in the top right corner of the page.

2. Select "News Feed Preferences."

3. Select "Prioritize who to see first."

4. Select the pages and profiles you want to see appear first in your news feed (including PackersNews, please and thank you!). The pages and profiles you select will show a blue badge with a star.

5. Select "Done."

Be sure that you follow PackersNews on Twitter (@PGPackersNews) and Instagram and like us on Facebook.