CNLP 011: Overcoming Discouragement, Dissatisfaction and Overwhelm in Leadership – An Interview with Pete Wilson

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Ever want to give up?

No matter how successful you are you, you still struggle.

Pete Wilson, lead pastor of Cross Point Church in Nashville—a church plant that’s grown to over 5,000 on 5 campuses—talks about seasons in which he’s had to overcome discouragement, dissatisfaction and being overwhelmed as a leaders.

Pete’s insights can help any leader going through whatever season they’re facing.

Welcome to Episode 11 of the podcast.

AND, don’t miss my podcast contest! This is the last chance to enter. Cast your ballot today! 

Scroll all the way to the bottom to enter to win the grand prize: admission to the Orange Conference 2015, plus coffee with me and Jon Acuff.

Pete Wilson at Cross Point Church 

Pete on Twitter

Pete on Facebook

Let Hope In: 4 Choices That Will Change Your Life Forever by Pete Wilson

Plan B: What Do You Do When God Doesn’t Show Up the Way You Thought He Would? by Pete Wilson

Empty Promises: The Truth About You, Your Desires, and the Lies You’re Believing by Pete Wilson

Choosing to Cheat: Who Wins When Family and Work Collide? by Andy Stanley

CNLP 002: How Perry Noble Hit Bottom While Pastoring One of America’s Largest Churches & How He Battled Back

3 Things You Can Do Right Away

It’s not uncommon to face fatigue and frustration when you hold a leadership position in church. Sometimes the path that you’re on may align with what God has in store, but there are ways you can keep your faith and sanity in check when you hit a rough patch.

  1. Abide in God. Sometimes you think, “Does God know? Does God care?” You look back and you see that God really has been for you. And when things don’t go your way, you assume that God wasn’t with you, but remember: He bears the fruit in your life and in your ministry.
  2. Find a way to commemorate the good seasons and physically mark them. When you think of the good times, you’ll say to yourself, “Ah, I remember that season! I remember what God did during that time!” If we don’t find ways to remember what God has done for us in the past, we’ll have a hard time trusting Him with our future. Those prompts remind us to be thankful for everything God does in your life, and prompt us to trust Him. He has been faithful in the past, and he will be faithful in the future.
  3. Create space in your life. In our culture, we give in to the idol of busyness. Pete says that one equates busyness with importance because one thinks that the busier they are, the more important they are, and that’s not really the case. The reality is, the busyness is an enemy of awareness. We stay so busy, that we become unaware of what God’s doing in our life, our soul and what really matters. So, if you want self awareness to increase, the busyness has to decrease. What you’ll find in creating space is time that’s not constantly hurried, you become more self aware and you hear God more clearly.

Quotes From Pete

CNLP 011: Overcoming Discouragement, Dissatisfaction and Overwhelm in Leadership – An Interview with Pete Wilson Share on XCNLP 011: Overcoming Discouragement, Dissatisfaction and Overwhelm in Leadership – An Interview with Pete Wilson Share on XCNLP 011: Overcoming Discouragement, Dissatisfaction and Overwhelm in Leadership – An Interview with Pete Wilson Share on XCNLP 011: Overcoming Discouragement, Dissatisfaction and Overwhelm in Leadership – An Interview with Pete Wilson Share on XCNLP 011: Overcoming Discouragement, Dissatisfaction and Overwhelm in Leadership – An Interview with Pete Wilson Share on X

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Next Episode: Steve Barr And a Church For Disney

Next week’s guest is Steve Barr, Lead Pastor of Cast Member Church in Orlando, Florida, a church created to reach Disney cast members (employees).

Not only a great episode for Disneyphiles, but for any leader trying to figure out how to do a better job reaching specific targets and demographics.

Enter HERE to Win Coffee with Jon and Me, a Ticket to Orange Conference 2015 & More!

Hey…it’s the final week of the contest. The GRAND prize draw happens next Monday, December 1st.

When you enter by leaving a comment in the show notes of the blog, it’s also your ballot to win the grand prize.

The grand prize is a free ticket to The Orange Conference 2015 in Atlanta in April of next year. Not only does it get you in for free, but you get a coffee with me and Jon Acuff backstage!

We are selecting the grand prize winner from all of the comments shared!

So…enter to win by answering this week’s question ­­– 

What has helped you overcome personal discouragement?

Scroll down, leave a comment.

Your comment is your ballot for this week’s prize AND the grand prize of a free ticket to Orange Conference 2015 and coffee with Jon Acuff and me. Go!

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Carey Nieuwhof
Carey Nieuwhof

Carey Nieuwhof is a best-selling leadership author, speaker, podcaster, former attorney, and church planter. He hosts one of today’s most influential leadership podcasts, and his online content is accessed by leaders over 1.5 million times a month. He speaks to leaders around the world about leadership, change, and personal growth.