CNLP 093: How to Train And Develop More Leaders More Quickly: Scott Magdalein

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Every church struggles with having enough volunteers and leaders. But are the leaders you have well-trained, well-equipped and prepared for the task ahead? Carey Nieuwhof talks with Trained Up founder Scott Magdalein on how to train more leaders more efficiently.

Welcome to Episode 93 of the Podcast.


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3 Things You Can Do Right Away

The way people think about church is changing, so how you develop volunteers has to change. Scott is tech-savvy app developer who has used his talents to develop a self-service platform for ministry training. This is what he says produces the best results from volunteers:

  1. Have a consistent goal for what they want to achieve. Churches who benefit the most from their training programs have a definition of what it looks like when they accomplish a goal. As yourself, “Who do I want this person to be, and what do I expect from them?”
  2. Have a clear plan for every person. Have a plan for people in leadership by specifying the training environment and where their talents will be used. It defines the vision and how it’s executed. A plan for each person keeps the volunteer in the seasonal flow and maintains consistency.
  3. Your mindset has to shift. You have to make the decision to stop filling positions and start developing people. The resources are there, the encouragement is there, and the tools are there. It’s not complicated to get it done; you just have to make the decision to do it. When you embrace the changes in church culture, how you think about the future of your mission becomes a priority.

A Special Offer for Podcast Listeners!

As a bonus to listeners of the podcast, Scott is offering a lifetime discount of 10% off services provided by TrainedUp. Just use coupon code CAREY.

Quotes from this Episode

CNLP 093: How to Train And Develop More Leaders More Quickly: Scott Magdalein Share on X

CNLP 093: How to Train And Develop More Leaders More Quickly: Scott Magdalein Share on X

CNLP 093: How to Train And Develop More Leaders More Quickly: Scott Magdalein Share on X

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Next Episode: Matt Chewning

Of all the things Boston is known for, being kind to church planters is one NOT of them. But Matt Chewning heard a call, left a career in corporate America and started Netcast Church. Matt shares the ins and outs of how his church has become one of the fastest growing churches in New England.

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Carey Nieuwhof
Carey Nieuwhof

Carey Nieuwhof is a best-selling leadership author, speaker, podcaster, former attorney, and church planter. He hosts one of today’s most influential leadership podcasts, and his online content is accessed by leaders over 1.5 million times a month. He speaks to leaders around the world about leadership, change, and personal growth.