Know how herbs, illness, medication mix

Deborah Brandt
From the Ground Up

Kava is native to the tropical Pacific islands and has been enjoyed there for hundreds of years as an herbal sedative.

In recent years it has received a bad rap for causing liver damage. Research has shown that, with exceptions, this is not true and Kava does not normally cause liver damage. Water-soluble extracts of Kava, such as a tea made from the whole root have not been shown to cause any liver damage. Capsules of the whole root, likewise, have no liver toxicity. The problem potentially happens when using a standardized extract, which means it is processed to contain more kava lactones than would be found in the untampered with herb.

Kava should not be taken daily for more than a week or two. It should not be taken if one has pre-existing liver disease, with alcohol, or with drugs known to cause liver toxicity; and not taken at a higher dose than recommended. As Kava is an herbal sedative keep in mind that it can increase the effects of drugs that are sedative, including benzodiazepines such as Xanax, Ativan, Valium and Klonopin.

Standardized extracts of herbs are generally more expensive but not always more effective. In spite of labeling that touts the superiority of a standardized extract, keep in mind it is the hundreds of compounds in a whole herb that make it effective. An example of this is in St. John’s Wort standardized extracts. Often they are labeled to say .3 percent hypericin. That begs the question, what is 99.7 percent of the capsule made up of? The best measure of quality is the freshness, color, smell and taste of the whole herb.

I’ll list some other herbs that have known interactions. Keep in mind that these interactions do not necessarily mean they should not be taken with medication, as I mentioned last month, many of these interactions can be beneficial if a lower dose of the drug is combined with a similar acting herb. Ask a health professional, who is well schooled in herbs and open to learning. Some interactions, while beneficial can be harmful if not combined correctly.

Deborah Brandt

Mucilaginous herbs such as Slippery Elm and Marshmallow root coat and soothe irritated gastrointestinal tract. These herbs slow down absorption of medications and nutrients if taken together. Conversely pepper stimulates blood flow to the mucosa of the stomach and intestine, decreasing absorption time.

Licorice root amplifies the effects of steroid medications. Corticosteroids deplete adrenal function, while Licorice is nourishing to the adrenals. This does not mean Licorice should be taken cavalierly, as some people are sensitive and it may increase blood pressure (a good thing if blood pressure is too low), and can also deplete potassium and cause fluid retention. A low dose of Licorice can help decrease the need for higher doses of steroid medications without increasing the side effects of high dose steroids if combined correctly.

Anti-seizure and some other medications can be stressful to the liver. Taking Milk Thistle alongside these medications act by helping protect the liver in the presence of these medications.

Taking Echinacea with antibiotics is beneficial. Antibiotics kill bacteria, but do not help the immune system fight infection. Echinacea does not kill bacteria but it will stimulate the immune system, helping the body fight infection. Echinacea can be taken long term for up to six months to help restore a depleted immune system. It just isn’t true that it stops working after a week. Echinacea should be used with caution if someone has an autoimmune disease as it may increase the chances of also stimulating an autoimmune reaction in conditions such as Lupus and Rheumatoid Arthritis.

Deborah Brandt is an RN and clinical herbalist at From the Ground Up, 339 N. Alameda Blvd., in Las Cruces. She may be reached at 575-523-2652.