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ESCAPE FROM NEW YORK - Connecticut: concrete jungle where dreams are made of. Well, maybe not quite. But with COVID-19 making NYC feel a tad claustrophobic, New Yorkers are fleeing to the Constitution State in droves—and that includes lawyers, Robert Storace reports. Andy Corea, incoming managing partner at Murtha Cullina in New Haven, said his firm has had “two to three times more quality resumes from New York City since the pandemic.” But it’s not just the close quarters prompting lawyers to make a change. “About eight months of working remotely has shown some attorneys that they don’t need to be physically in New York City to thrive,” Corea said. “Meetings are being done remotely, and business development is being done remotely, and people are communicating by video links. They are comfortable with their clients, and can continue to succeed even when they don’t have that physical presence in Manhattan.” Not to mention, Corea added, that billing rates are substantially lower.