A Big Wet Mess


What an insane last few weeks it’s been. It’s hard making a steady living as a crafter, maker, artist on any given day – and nearly impossible in today’s economy. So, I’ve been doing the resume/CV thing to very little avail. It’s been good practice for putting my professional wardrobe in order, and practicing my interviewing skills. I’ve been so focused on attaining employment, that I’ve put my studio on hold for a few weeks.

Then to add one more thing shifting my attention away from my studio, my apartment flooded.

I’d been suffering a headache, and had gone to nap it off. I woke up to the sound of a waterfall. You know that disoriented just out of bed stumble? That was me, down the hall towards the sound of the water. Apparently my kitchen sink backed up, there was water pouring over the top of the sink and counters and about 2 inches or so of water on the floor. That was a very long night of a plumber, and emergency water remediation. The plumber said that it was the stack in the wall that was totally blocked, and that the plumbing from the units on the two floors above me affected this.

The flooding seeped through the wall into the main hall of my building, seeped through to my living room, and took out my dining area as well.

I had 5 days of fans blowers, humidifiers, and air purifiers running 24 hours a day. They’ve removed my laminate flooring in my dining area and living room, and the linoleum from the kitchen. I am down to cement floors while I wait for the replacements to be installed. I feel so scrambled over this that I haven’t been able to focus on anything creative.

I’m looking forward to sitting back down in the studio soon.

Make something beautiful everyday.

Happy Valentine’s Day


How are you all doing? I survived a week of Polar Vortex. A week of -30c to -40c with wind chill. It was good for hunkering down, with, lots of soft cozy blankets, warm, drinks, daydreams, and a notepad to write them all down. I dreamt of bright felted shapes, of bits of sparkly glass, of drawers full of gemstones, and lastly of warmer days, with windows open and a room full of bird song.

The reality, I was enjoying playing with wool fiber, needle felting an idea into creation. Cat toys. Some stuffed with catnip, others without. I’m calling them “Magic Mushrooms”. My daydream of “bright felted shapes” becoming real. I’m fairly new to needle felting, and am learning as I go. I find it to be an interesting mix of “sculpting” and “painting.

I hope you all have spent your day doing something that makes your heart happy, with people that you love.

What’s on your crafting table today?

It Takes Courage


I am currently sitting here, working at taking some decent photos, and listing items on my Etsy shop (https://www.etsy.com/ca/shop/CraftingAimee). All the while mulling over the word “courage.”

After, the events of the last few years, it seems a very appropriate word. Courage to live, courage to completely shatter, courage to start over after 50, courage, to create, to open myself up to possible praise…and criticism. All this pondering has me now thinking of a new project. Yes, that’s the way it goes for us creative types, always thinking in terms of creating, making, doing; ideas that need exploring. Possibly as a book, or in an art journal format.

Were you all curious what those tiny wire wrapped micro components would become?

Let me know some of the words that become an exploration for you in the comments.

A Good Day For A Bit Of Mindfulness.

Beads and Jewelry Making

Hello Dear Readers. Winter in my little corner of the world has been relatively mild and mostly snow free. Until today. It is a lovely gentle and light snow with a temperature of -14C. I am watching it while sat here at my craft table, in my Arting Space.

It seems like a good day for some mindfulness; focusing on a single task, while doing some breathing exercises. As I often like to incorporate micro-components into my jewelry pieces, I’ve let that be my inspiration.

Wire wrapping 2mm gold electroplated Pyrite rondels, other tiny gemstones, and a myriad of little glass flowers for future projects.

What’s on your crafting table today?

Creating from Chaos

Beads and Jewelry Making

Outing myself as disorganized is not a surprise for those that know me. I like things that have that “lived in”, “project in progress”, messy feeling. I can create from this. Pristine and sterile leave me cold, uninterested, and shut down any creative dialogue I may be carrying out in my head.

While, when I get my beads and supplies in for jewelry making, I organize them into groups by colour, material, or size, it’s after the a few projects I don’t bother putting the beads back into their organized little boxes. I dump them into a large bowl, or glass jar. I like the feeling of sticking my fingers into the beads, and seeing jars of beads, fuels my design imagination, as impossible bead combinations emerge.

I decided to take one of these jars out this week, empty it out, and challenge myself to create something with the beads that were there, adding in a few beads from a few half-strands that were sitting around as well. It was a bit slow going as I rattled the ol’ grey matter into gear, but I managed to make four stretchy bracelets out of semi-precious gemstones (turquoise dyed Magnesite, fancy jasper, brown zebra jasper, and pewter components) a pair of earrings (turquoise dyed Magnesite with pewter and rhinestone components, and sterling ear wires) and a couple of wire wrapped/chain components. I will carry on a 2nd week with this project/challenge and finish up a few more projects from this batch of bead soup.

What is on your workspace table?

Make something beautiful everyday!

A New Year. Time to Get Back to Creating, Crafting, and Joy.


Welcome 2021. I hope you will be a kind, healing, and productive year.

After a long hiatus, I’ve decided to resurrect my blog. I want to have a place to challenge myself to keep creating, to experiment with new things and ideas, to inspire myself and others, and to share beautiful things. the progress of the year. I certainly had no desire to chart anything last year (the year that must not be mentioned). I’m not entirely sure how I will format this; project by project, or a weekly recap of projects, all interspersed with reviews, inspirational quotes, and sometimes something delicious. To that, let’s get this resurrection started.

I’ve Been Absent.


I’ve been absent from everything, including my life.  This last 18 months have been some of the most difficult, challenging and heartbreaking.  In February of 2016, my mother informed me that she was certain that she had breast cancer, like her mother and sister. Neither of them survived their diagnoses, or subsequent treatments.  Fast forward 20 years, this left my mother feeling hopeless and frightened I imagine, as she also informed us that she wasn’t going to get medical intervention.  We lived with this ticking timebomb, watching, waiting, as death crept in, and finally claimed her a few days before her 70th, birthday.   So many emotions overwhelmed me, my father, and my brother..the prevailing one being anger.  Anger at her for giving up.  Anger at her for not fighting.  Anger at her for choosing an agonising death.  Anger at her for leaving us.  We are all so scarred from this, everyday we miss her, we feel the emptiness, and for all of us there is an anger mixed into all this grief.

In the midst of this, my marriage finally concluded.  It was nearly 20 years of emotional, verbal, and eventually even physical abuse.  20 years, done. Concluded through the courts. However, it’s still not done, as he’s not actually paid me out, and is living on the other side of the world now, so I’m in a sort of limbo.

I’m also preparing for a major move.   I’m looking forward this move, living out of boxes seems to compound all of these feelings and emotions.

In all of this I found myself retreating, farther and farther away from anything resembling  life. I am still struggling from day to day, healing my grief, healing my heart, healing my self.

Creativity, has really been a very welcomed friend to escape into, and explore some feelings, and cradle my heart from time.  As I’ve been putting the peices back together, I rememberd that I’ve got a blog, and I should probably get back to posting.  Please bear with me as I try and get and get back on track here.  I’ve got a few things to share…

An Update, Review and GIVEAWAY!


Wow!  The last few months have been quite hectic, with a hurry up and wait vibe.  First, in anticipation of moving rather suddenly, I started paring down my possessions and packing things up.  Then came the reality that moving was going to more than likely take longer, as the house isn’t going to sell quickly, so I started unpacking things.  In the midst of this, I must have jarred something in my laptop, so it’s been into the shop for repair.  I’m just glad to be here and share something way overdue with you all, and the excitement of a giveaway!

If you remember some time back, I mentioned that I was doing some commission work. The work is done, the book has been published, and I’m excited to share that one of my colourings was used as the back cover!IMG_5008

The book, The Masters of Fashion Illustration by Wendy Piersall, is full of absolutely stunning renderings of Art Nouveau fashions…and I have a signed copy to share with one lucky winner!

The book itself, has been created with colourists of all skill levels in mind, with a perfectly balanced mix of simply detailed to more complex detailed images. It also features single-sided pages, great for those who choose to also include types of markers in their techniques. I love that she has also included testing sheets with boxes where you can note that perfect shade that you blended and worked your colours to achieve, or colour combinations.   Lastly, she names the original artist of each illustration, which is great if you want to research the original work for inspiration.

Here are some samples of the illustrations in this book that I have enjoyed colouring.

If you would like to try your hand at some of these images, please go see Wendy’s blog, she offers some sample pages.

Now for the part you all have been waiting for…the giveaway.  To enter, leave a comment and tell me who your favourite Art Nouveau artist is, and let me also know what type of tutorials you’d like to see.  The contest will be close at midnight on August 31, 2016, it is open internationally, and the winner will be picked using Random.org.   One entry per person please.

Keep crafting, creating and colouring!  I’ll see you in my next post.



Morning Coffee and a Small Update.


Good Monday morning everyone.  I’ve got my coffee, and am settling into my art space for a day of creating.  In my previous post I discussed experimenting with water-soluble media, which is still ongoing, however the in-depth product information reviews will be a bit delayed.  My apologies.

I am working on some commission pieces with artist, Wendy Piersall, and oh, how this project delights me!  Please go and check out all the beautiful art she brings to the world, I’m sure you’ll enjoy her work as much as I do. That’s about all I can divulge at the moment, keeping it a bit hush-hush as it should be.  All will be revealed soon.

Also, the camera for recording/live streaming tutorial events has been sorted out.  I am still a bit back and forth as to which would better help your creative and colouring adventures.  Either possibility ends with the same result of being a recorded tutorial, but I’m liking the idea of a live-stream, where you can ask questions in real-time about the technique or process being shown. Please submit your ideas and questions about what you’d like to see demonstrated.

Finally, tying in with the completion of my commissioned work, there will be a giveaway in the near future. (Hooray) I’m excited!

Stay tuned, and keep creating, crafting and colouring.

Exploring Water Soluble Media


Watercolours are on trend, hot, hot, hot.  I see them being used all over the card making world, and now even in adult colouring books.  I’m gathering up my water soluble media, and getting ready to explore them this week in my art space.

There are quite a few options to choose from,  the traditional palettes with little hard cakes of colour, watercolour pencils and crayons, water soluble ink pencils, dry sheets, hydrous watercolours in little bottles, the choices seem nearly endless.

If any of you have questions about different types of products or techniques, please ask.  I’ll be happy to incorporate them into the exploration processes.

Stay tuned, and keep crafting, creating, and colouring!