The ZenCache philosophy is to keep things simple and easy to configure, while also providing you with the power and flexibility necessary to tweak and optimize your site for speed. The plugin configuration panels are full of helpful documentation that explain what each feature does and why you might want to use it. The safe but optimized set of default options means that often little or no additional configuration is necessary-just install, activate, enable and go!

The advanced page caching features of ZenCache are coupled with an intelligent system for clearing the cache to ensure that your site does not serve old cache files to visitors. For example, when a WordPress post is edited or published, ZenCache will intelligently clear only the cache files associated with that post (including cache files for any specific Category, Tag, and Author Archive cache files associated with the post), thereby optimizing the generation of cache files and avoiding unnecessary cache regeneration.

ZenCache is capable of caching nearly all aspects of a WordPress site, including all Posts and Pages, Category Archives, Tag Archives, Author Pages, Custom Post Type Archives and Custom Term Archives, RSS/RDF/Atom Feeds, and XML Sitemaps, all of which are intelligently cleared when specific events occur on your site. You can even provide ZenCache with Custom PHP Code to be executed whenever the cache is cleared.

The Auto-Cache Engine (for Cache Preloading) will help you prevent the First-Come Slow-Load Issue by pre-caching each page on your site so that visitors always receive the fastest load time possible. You can provide an XML Sitemap (compatible with popular WordPress XML Sitemap plugins) or specify a list of URLs to pre-cache. The Auto-Cache Engine is also fully compatible with WordPress Multisite Networking.

The full-featured HTML Compressor will compress not only the HTML of each page, but will also minify CSS, JavaScript, and even JSON, including inline JavaScript and CSS/JS from remote resources. The HTML Compressor will also obey optimization rules set forth by theme designers to load specific CSS/JS files in the footer or header of your site. The HTML Compressor is also fully compatible with WordPress Multisite Networking.

CDN Integration allows you to serve some and/or all static files on your site from any of the popular CDNs, including Amazon CloudFront and MaxCDN. The CDN Integration includes full support for Multisite Networks and the ability to specify separate CDN hostnames for each site in a multisite network. There is also full support for Domain Sharding.

For developers and advanced site owners, ZenCache includes an open source, developer friendly codebase that includes its own Advanced Cache Plugin architecture and a powerful Dynamic Version Salt feature, allowing developers to easily hook into the cache file generation process to gain control over many aspects of the caching process. There’s also an option to Import/Export Configuration Options, making it easy to export and import the ZenCache configuration across multiple sites. Full support for WordPress Multisite Networking is included, as well as full support for the WordPress MU Domain Mapping plugin.

ZenCache Pro is $39 for a Single-Site License and $139 for an Unlimited-Site License, both of which include Lifetime Updates and 3 Years of Support. There are also licensing options for developers who want to provide WordPress caching as a service to their clients, starting with a 25-Site Developer License that includes 5 Years of Support for $249.


An advanced fully-featured WordPress caching plugin inspired by simplicity.


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  • RSS Feed Caching
  • 404 Request Caching
  • Logged-in User Caching
  • Client-Side Browser Caching
  • Automatic Cache Expiration
  • GZIP Compression
  • URI Cache Exclusion Patterns
  • User-Agent Exclusion Patterns
  • HTTP Referrer Exclusion Patterns
  • HTML/JS/CSS Minification
  • Cache Preloading
  • CDN Integration
  • Multisite Network Compatibility
  • Domain Mapping Compatibility
  • Translation Ready