A Homeschool Life Coach to Support You

Become a more confident, competent, and happier homeschool mom.

Shed what’s not working, so you can enjoy your homeschool mom life more and show up intentionally, confidently & authentically.

In digging deep with dozens of homeschool moms, I’ve learned that our instincts are to keep on keeping on despite our unmet needs, unacknowledged issues, and common challenges.

You’re not alone if you resonate with this:
  • “Not good enough” is how you feel.
  • Overwhelmed by the dirt, the noise, and the responsibilities
  • Guilty about not doing right by your kids.
  • “Unrealistic expectations” is your middle name.
  • Routinely feel stressed by unpleasant homeschool days.
  • Lost your verve to do this homeschool thing.
  • Making time for you seems impossible.
  • You feel “community-less”: no supportive community that’s authentically cheering you on.
  • A relationship issue is interfering with your energy and satisfaction.
  • You need extra support during an especially challenging season.
  • You have a relationship issue that’s interfering with your energy and satisfaction

You can feel more free in your homeschool mom life…

Approach more homeschool days feeling energized, and purposeful, while handling the challenges more fluidly.

Energized & Intentional

You can approach your homeschool days feeling more energized, and purposeful, while handling your challenges more fluidly.

Understand how to include yourself in homeschool mom life, being present to your needs with healthy boundaries and connections.

Present & Well

You can learn to include yourself in your homeschool family life, being more attentive to your needs with healthy boundaries and connections.

Homeschool Mom who 
You grew, felt proud, and were supported to pursue what you love, feeling at ease with your homeschool and life.

Realistic & Supported

You grow, feel proud, and are supported to pursue activities you love, feeling at ease in your homeschool and life.

Imagine if…

  • You felt energized as you headed into most of your homeschool days.
  • You felt clear about how to include yourself in your homeschool days, include your needs, and maintain healthy boundaries & connections.
  • There was a clear plan for how to address your relational challenges.
  • You felt “good enough“.
  • You were at ease with the dirt, the noise, and the responsibilities. 
  • Showing up purposefully, rather than reacting, was familiar.
  • Expectations of yourself (& others) were more realistic.
  • You are proud of how you’ve grown personally.
  • You felt supported that someone was cheering you on.
  • Even that you’re including things that you love to do so you can develop yourself too!
  • And you felt at ease in the trajectory of your homeschool and your life.

I’m here for all of it, walking alongside you with compassion, reflective conversation, cheerleading & gentle accountability.

Rating: 5 out of 5.

“Teresa has been of tremendous value towards my growth in homeschooling and self-care. She is encouraging and supportive of all that I long to pursue. I’m so grateful to have her walk alongside me on this journey. She has been a tremendous encouragement for me to pursue my dreams and creativity. She has supported me every step of the way. Her ideas on how to help me market and build my business have been accurate and helpful. During the times when I have been discouraged and wanted to give up, she has helped me renew my vision and elevate my excitement again. I highly recommend Teresa if you want someone to walk side-by-side with you in building your business. She knows from experience what works and will help you find your path!”

Holly, Homeschool Mama of 2

Rating: 5 out of 5.

“Let’s face it. Homeschooling is hard. And amazing. There is elation and devastation – all in an average day. Teresa comes alongside to help you navigate your relationship with your homeschooling. Not to fix you, but to sufficiently assist you in detaching your identity from the activity so that the activity is elevated to new heights. Why homeschool coaching? Teresa helps you poke through your assumptions and inner narrative to help you parent and educate gently – not only for your children but for yourself. She matches your pace to co-create sustaining practices for life and the long haul.” 

Diane, Graduated homeschool mom of 3

Rating: 5 out of 5.

“The time with Teresa was super helpful. Teresa helped me see the roots behind the surface-level issues. The coaching program was the impetus to help me think more deeply about my homeschool and relational ‘whys’ to get to a place to see where change needed to be made. Teresa’s kindness and compassion gave me a safe place to speak my heart and her responses helped me feel empowered for this next chapter in our homeschool journey and the evolving chapter of the relationships with our teen and young adult children.

I now have infinitely better boundaries with our teenage daughter and I no longer feel like our relationship hangs by a thin thread. I feel much more motivated in my homeschool days and have made some major shifts that have restored the joy in our homeschool. I’m also learning to lean into the new season with older children and embrace the joy found in the present, rather than pining for the past.” — Renee, Homeschool Mama of 4

Rating: 5 out of 5.

“I feel like you know me. You offered helpful suggestions to rejuvenate and equip any homeschool mom in whatever stage she might find herself in. I enjoyed our candor and your laughter, your caring, and your insights. You have allowed the experiences that have challenged you to be the catalyst to helping others. This retreat is for anyone who has lost sight of themselves while living a busy life and wants to refocus on what’s truly important. I hope all of your retreats bear fruit in deflated women like me, changing their defeat into delight once again, or for the first time. At our first session, I told you that I was looking for hope and the tools unpacked in this retreat have given me hope! I recommend this retreat to everyone. Your voice has a soothing quality. It has been a special time. Teresa is a gift with the best humor. I am so blown away by the care you take to get to know who you are mentoring/talking with. It is so rare these days.”

Sheryl, Homeschool Mom of 3

Rating: 5 out of 5.

“I said it before and I’ll say it again, you are such a treasure. I’m smiling and in tears. I can’t remember the last time I felt this safe to talk to someone and share difficult, vulnerable things from my heart and past, while knowing that I would get compassionate validation and wise advice. To have someone I deeply respect and admire listen to me, laugh with me, cry with me, get curious with me and help me see things from a different perspective means so much more than I could ever put into words. Please know in the depths of your heart that you are making a meaningful difference in this world, helping women, families, friends, communities- ME- grow and heal. And I thank you, I thank you, I thank you.”

Danielle, Homeschool Mom of 6

Rating: 5 out of 5.

“I needed to figure out how to meet my son’s needs in our homeschool (more child-led learning) and how to incorporate service back into my life. Coaching was helpful in ways I wasn’t expecting. I feel more confident in what homeschooling looks like (and doesn’t look like) within the my home. It will always be evolving, but I feel more at peace. I am a better detective with my kids to see what they value and care about. I see how my relationship with myself impacts my relationship with my daughter in particular. There were goals I didn’t know I had! And they were more important. I feel really seen and heard by you but also pushed. Well, not really pushed. I feel like you were a mirror that wouldn’t move. Your persistence with tough “but why” questions. Keep on going. What you’re doing is irreplaceable. I initially looked at coaching because I thought “How can I do something I’ve never experienced before? I’m won over. Thanks Teresa ! I am still thinking about our time. What a gift you have developed! You really gave all you had during that time. I didn’t know what to expect in a free consultation, but you really knocked it out of the park. I hope I can invest that same level of care when I start coaching.”

Whitney, Homeschool Mom of 4

Rating: 5 out of 5.

“Speaking with Teresa in the first minute revealed to me how much I can accomplish when I take a deep breath and speak my desires as a mother aloud. She showed me the clarity I needed was within me all along and aided me in a practical, actionable way that is something I can start applying that day. Which, I did. The peace that comes with sharing space with her provides a presence that can be extended to yourself long after the call. I highly recommend working with her!”

Mina, Homeschool Mom of 3

Rating: 5 out of 5.

“Getting to know you and then coaching with you has been wonderful! So much clarity! So much transformation!”

Charlotte, Homeschool Mom of 2

Rating: 5 out of 5.

“I was feeling a bit lost with my personal goals. I was able to determine what was clouding my own vision, and keeping me stuck. It turned out a big obstacle for me was the very blurry unclear boundaries in my relationships. I couldn’t really see where I ended and another began. I felt responsible for everybody’s emotions. I only discovered all of this through coaching and writing. It was not easy, but I was able to shed a lot of harmful patterns and habits, and really center the people and things that truly matter to me. I got very clear on what I wanted and what I didn’t. I became more courageous in naming those things and taking action. I am pouring some time that I did not have before into personal projects that bring me more joy and fulfillment. There is an aspect of accountability with your coaching sessions that is impossible to replicate on my own with my journal. I felt seen and understood, and I felt encouraged to take big steps I otherwise would have dragged my heels with on my own. You brought up deeper questions for me to contemplate and directly asked me what I was going to do with this newfound knowledge. I appreciated I couldn’t just fly under the radar. This gentle nudge helped me make myself a priority.”

Brittany, Homeschool Mom of 3

Teresa Wiedrick, Homeschool Life Coach
woman writing on a notebook beside teacup and tablet computer

Clarify your homeschool & life goals, and clarify challenges & expectations.

Book a no-obligation conversation.

crop people playing chess in room
Goal Setting & Planning

Dive into specific goals, priorities, and focus areas.

Create an individualized A.C.T.I.O.N. plan.

glass ball on wood clip art
Perspective-Shifts & Strategy Implementation

Bi-weekly coaching sessions.

Address challenges and explore new strategies or tools.
Track progress with gentle accountability.

black and white laptop
Cheerleading, Clarifying & Challenging

Ongoing support with weekly email interaction addressing a specific scenario and addressing questions.

I’ve watched other homeschool moms evolve from spent, frustrated & confused to hopeful, intentional & successful.

Discover how to transform your homeschool mom challenges into your homeschool charms…

Each week, we’ll connect for a deepening, clarifying conversation with gentle accountability, practical strategies, tools & mindset shifts to accomplish your goals in your homeschool & life.

Homeschool mom, you can transform your frustration, confusion, or overwhelm: you can be clear, confident, and intentional.
  • You can create a homeschool that is engaging to your kids and will raise them to become independent, resourceful humans who want to live their lives on purpose too.
  • You can get clear on your triggers & challenges and create a plan to address them.
  • And you can experience satisfying relationships with your partner, your parents, & your community.
  • You can turn the broken shards of your heart into a flourishing life.
  • You can learn how to nurture yourself as you nurture your homeschool kids.
As you work with me, you’ll build a more confident you, identify and respond to your needs, learn to speak to yourself differently, clarify your intentions behind your homeschool mom life & nurture stronger relationships too.
  • Transform frustration into clarity, confusion into confidence.
  • Create an engaging homeschool for independent, purpose-driven kids.
  • Address challenges with a clear plan.
  • Foster satisfying relationships.
  • Turn heartbreak into a flourishing life.
And always, learn to nurture yourself as you nurture your homeschool kids.
Teresa, your Homeschool Life Coach

ps You don’t have to do this homeschool journey alone, so book a (free) call with me to determine your individualized action plan.

Teresa Wiedrick, Homeschool Life Coach
Teresa Wiedrick, Certified Life Coach & Homeschool Mentor at www.capturingthecharmedlife.com

When you join me for a conversation, we’ll create an action plan to address your particular challenge, whether you decide to join me for coaching or not.

You can have a homeschool life coach walk alongside you in your homeschool journey.

You nurture your homeschool kids…

Now it’s time to nurture you!

Helping you turn your homeschool challenges into your homeschool charms.

Copyright Teresa Wiedrick 2021©