Clean Test Automation Monthly 1 / 2024

The Clean Test Automation Monthly is a monthly blog post that highlights the best test automation content which I read during the current month. This blog post is always published on the last day of the month.

Let's begin!

Does Your Test Suite Account For Weak Transaction Isolation is an interesting blog post which explains why it's important to have integration (and maybe some other tests) which are run against the real database. Also, this Hacker News discussion contains additional point of views which weren't discussed in original the blog post.

Soft Assertions – testing kindly explains how soft assertions work and describes how we can write soft assertions with JUnit 5, AssertJ, and TestNG.

Skippy is a framework which shortens our feedback loop by running only the tests which are necessary in order to ensure that our changes are working as expected. In other words, because Skippy doesn't run all tests every time when we make changes to our code base, our builds will be (a lot) faster. The website has four tutorials which will help us to get started.

WireMock Spring Boot is an interesting library which simplifies the WireMock configuration when we are writing integration tests for HTTP clients which use Spring Boot with JUnit 5.

The best way to test the data access layer is a solid blog post which explains why unit tests won't help us to ensure that our data access layer is working as expected and describes how we can solve this problem by writing integration tests.

P.S. If you want to learn new testing skills, you should take a look at my premium testing courses which I publish on

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