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See, that’s what the app is perfect for.

Sounds perfect Wahhhh, I don’t wanna

calico-choir asked:

Finally saw Dune Part Two, and the awesome work you and @quothalinguist did with Chakobsa left me speechless!! Just a quick question: in the film, it's mentioned that Stilgar speaks with a southern accent. Was such a phonology developed or was there only one used throughout the film? Thanks!

I think that was just something they made up due to the fact that Javier Bardem has a different accent when speaking English from many of the other people who play Fremen.

conlang language chakobsa dune

saunteringvaguelydownwards asked:

I noticed an error in the Trigedasleng v5 PDF. In the T-to-E section the 'shilkrola' entry has the pronunciation guide and definition for the 'trikrola' entry. It is correctly listed in the E-to-T section as the word for 'turtle' though.

Thanks! This has been fixed as of version 6. I keep the old versions up for historical purposes. (I will note, though, that version 5 is the first version I shared.)

For those unfamiliar, shilkrola is a turtle and trikrola is a sloth. :)

conlang language trigedasleng the 100

Anonymous asked:

Hello, If you were to follow your High Valyrian's grammar the word for Dragonfire could be something like Zaldrizperzys (like Dragonstone, Zaldrīzo + dōron = Zaldrīzdōron or Zaldrizys (like Dreamfyre, Ēdrurys + Perzys = Ēdruzys)?

There are different fires with different properties in A Song of Ice and Fire. A dragon’s fire is one of those, and in Valyrian, it has its own word: drakarys.

conlang language valyrian hotd asoiaf got high valyrian


After more than a year I’ve finished the letters of my cross-stitch. It was mostly stitched on the subway during my commute. It’s been my constant companion for months. I don’t want to let it go, but also I’m not sure how to continue yet.

I was powered by spite about how often astr*l*gy comes up in my circles, and I’m not sure a different project would entertain me as much. Though I do love the feeling of cross-stitching.


When I was little my mom’s meatloaf was my favorite food. But ONLY her meatloaf. I didn’t like anyone else’s, and she told me that she would teach me how to make it when I was older. And when I was like 19? She finally taught me, but she told me never to tell anyone else and I was like weird but okay

Anyway, she was super fucking homophobic and abusive to me when I told her I was gay, so here’s the recipe

  • 4-6 lbs of Hamburger/turkey burger
  • 1 pk onion soup mix OR ranch mix
  • 1 TBs ketchup
  • 1 Tbs spicy brown mustard,
  • 1 Tbs bbq sauce
  • 1 Tbs steak sauce
  • 1 egg
  • mix, shape into a loaf in a big pan, and bake at 350 for 2 hrs (maybe 2 and a half if you’re feeling dangerous)

You can get almost all of these ingredients at the dollar store, and have leftovers if it’s just you. The leftovers make great tacos if (taco seasoning is also like a dollar). Enjoy your revenge loaf


here’s a mashed potato recipe from my homophobic mother that i swore to never share that would pair perfectly!

(6 servings)

-2lbs red potatoes

-1 cup butter (2 sticks)

-1 cup cream cheese (1 pack)

-Chives (optional)

-Salt & Pepper to taste

1. drop those bad boys (potatoes) in a big ol pot. U don’t even have to chop them just wash them

2. boil til soft!

3. Drain

4. Mash (usually they’re small enough you can use a fork if u don’t have one of those squashers) until its a pretty chunky mix

5. add the other stuff. Keep mashing

I like my mashed potato consistancy more lumpy but its all up to you!! Peel the potatoes or keep them on, it literally makes the creamiest fluffiest mashed potatoes which she always served with the nastiest fuckin meatloaf


So after spending hours combing through the recipes in the comments of this post I have created a cookbook. Feel free to use it. The link should work for everyone, its the only file on the google drive! I have referenced all of the recipes I used, all of which are from this thread. I made it for myself, but figured after all that work I should probably share. Happy spite cooking!


there is a SPITE COOKBOOK now :DDD



JK Rowling has used her billionaire legal team to silence a Jewish woman for telling the truth about her contempt for trans victims of the Holocaust.

Scotland’s network of “freedom of speech” organisations, as per usual, have nothing to say about the use of wealth to gag critics of the wealthy.

However fast they race to condemn the LGBT+ community for saying the names of those who harm us. Statements at the ready to insist that transphobes no one wants to work with anymore must be given every possible opportunity to gain from their bigotry.

But it's not the billionaires who are being silenced, as our media breathlessly echo their every hateful proclamation.

It's journalists and activists forced to publicly humiliate themselves under the weight and the threat of billionaire legal teams or be driven into destitution.

We deserve better. Freedom of speech needs to mean something


The Streisand Effect strikes

This will swiftly become one of the primary things JK Rowling is remembered for. Trying to erase crimes of the Holocaust against trans people and then silencing Jewish journalists for calling her out.


With your help we can make sure JK Rowling is known as a Holocaust denier first, author of mediocre children's books second

itmethefalloutman asked:

I've been wondering if it would be possible to have a sign-language that would work between two or more alien species with different hand-shapes (numbers of joints and digits and such). Would such a language even be possible, or would it suffer from its users lacking a shared physiology?

On a side note, it was lovely to find this blog. Your work is fantastic and never fails to liven up a setting

Chances are it would not, and a secondary medium would have to be chosen—and I have a great example. In the grand scheme of things, humans are aliens to non-humans, and I happen to know of a sign language created for radically different beings called Rikchiks. Humans can’t sign the Rikchik language: It requires 7 tentacles. We can’t even approximate it. What we can do, though, is (a) understand it by looking at it, and (b) communicate with Rikchiks by using the written form of the language. It’s not nearly as fast, but it’s possible. The same would be true for a Rikchik using a human sign language: possible for them to understand, but they wouldn’t be able to sign it back effectiely (they don’t have hands, and so can’t do handshapes).

Hopefully that makes sense. Remember that you can always understand a language without necessarily being able to use it perfectly. Han and Chewbacca from Star Wars are a nice example of that.

conlang language sign language rikchik star wars