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Kendall O'Dell #1

Deadly Sanctuary

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Beautiful, strong-willed reporter, Kendall O'Dell, is drawn into an evil web of conspiracy beyond anything she could have ever imagined when she accepts a position at a small newspaper in isolated Castle Valley, Arizona. Her assignment: Find out why her predecessor mysteriously vanished while working on a story concerning the unsolved deaths of two teenage girls. Why is the sheriff so hostile to her inquiries? Why is the woman operating the local shelter for homeless girls so secretive? And how is attractive rancher Bradley Talverson involved?

When the body of a third girl is discovered in the desert not far from a private mental institution, Kendall's life hangs in the balance as she strives to uncover the horrifying secret.

Deadly Sanctuary is the first title in Sylvia Nobel's popular mystery series, featuring spirited, flame-haired reporter Kendall O'Dell. The author's trademark style is to produce exciting, well-written, edge-of-your-seat, adventures with "knock your socks off" surprise endings. Her judicious use of language and lack of graphic sex and violence make her novels suitable from teens to seniors.

Author Biography: Sylvia Nobel is the award-winning author of the Kendall O'Dell mystery series and two romance novels, all set in Arizona. She is an accomplished public speaker and a member of Mystery Writers of America. She lives in Phoenix, AZ with her husband and seven cats.

375 pages, Paperback

First published January 1, 1998

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About the author

Sylvia Nobel

18 books82 followers
Sylvia Nobel, a resident of Arizona since 1961, is the author of the best-selling Kendall O'Dell mystery series. She is also one of the producers of the new feature film Deadly Sanctuary, based on the first book in the series. The 5th book, Forbidden Entry has now been released. Her breathtaking descriptions of the Arizona desert illustrate her love affair with the state's unique beauty. Her main protagonist, feisty, flame-haired reporter Kendall O'Dell has been described by readers as a modern day grown up "Nancy Drew" or a younger Jessica Fletcher from "Murder She Wrote". Her books are available from Nite Owl Books as well as major booksellers worldwide. Readers can participate in an adventure that provides the true ambiance of the modern west with each based on actual cases gleaned from news articles. The attention to detail and the eloquence of the masterfully written stories, will give the reader a vivid picture as well as present great insight into these well researched contemporary tales. Best yet, her judicious use of language makes readers comfortable sharing these books with teens and seniors alike. She follows the same pattern with the film, Deadly Sanctuary, which has received a PG-13 rating making it suitable for just about everyone!

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111 (3%)
Displaying 1 - 30 of 306 reviews
Profile Image for Veronica Rosa.
Author 11 books77 followers
January 13, 2016
Okay, I couldn't take it anymore. I got to about 30% and wanted to smack Kendall for being so dense. I figured out what was going on at the 22% mark and ugh! So I skipped to near the end and sure enough, my suspicions were correct... every single damn one of them.

The writing was okay, nothing amazing, but nothing cringe worthy for me. Honestly, I won't be continuing with the series because the characters were too over the top and unbelievable for me. And that's saying something when my first love is paranormal romance.
Profile Image for LeeAnn.
28 reviews4 followers
May 30, 2014
The Kendall O'Dell character spoke to me on so many levels. First as a working woman in the newspaper biz. Next with her attraction to cowboys! And finally her curiosity. This is a book I could not put down and was anxious to read the next in the series.

Sylvia Nobel has a talent for weaving an exciting mystery that builds in so many directions you think you have it figured, but it could go another way... She doesn't disappoint with her skill as a storyteller.

I have joined the Kendall O'Dell Fan Club on Facebook and the Tally Fan Club as well. What a hunk! The movie is due out in Spring 2015 and I am anxious to see how they kept to the book in the movie story.
Profile Image for Mags.
79 reviews
February 6, 2014
Didn't really grab me. Some of the conclusions drawn were really bizarre given the information available to the reader. Of course, the conclusions the main character came to reasonably early on were the ones that came to fruition.
Glad it was free.
Profile Image for Kelly Kosinski.
459 reviews141 followers
April 7, 2024
I liked this book about a reporter who accepts a job at a small newspaper in Castle Valley, Arizona.She has to investigate the suspicious disappearance of her predecessor. He had been investigating the two deaths of teenagers.

Profile Image for Dorsi.
795 reviews21 followers
January 12, 2011
I would really like to give this one 3 1/2 stars. I will give it 3 since it doesn't merit 4. It was a decent, although completely predictable, story. It kept my attention throughout the story and I enjoyed the characters. The one thing about this book that really grated on my nerves was one of the characters, Ginger, kept saying "y'all." The annoying part about that is that she was always saying it to the main character...one person only. Y'all means you all or all of you. I could be wrong, but it seems that one person should not be addressed by y'all unless one has multiple personalities. But she would be talking to one person, Kendall, and say, "Y'all coming?" Arrrgh!
Profile Image for Emma.
702 reviews15 followers
March 16, 2014
In the "mystery/thriller" genre, I do not enjoy new writers easily. Far too often, I am disappointed, sometimes even irritated, by the cliches and the recycled plots. But Sylvia Nobel's first novel in the Kendall O'Dell Mysteries was better than I might have expected.

Usual positive/negative dichotomy:
Positives: The narrator's voice is brilliant, a reminder of other writers I enjoy such as Charlaine Harris (Southern Vampire Detective series, a.k.a. Sookie Stackhouse) and Lee Childs (Jack Reacher). Kendall O'Dell has a lot in common with the early Sookie Stackhouse (you know, before she gets as supernatural as the other characters). She is not super-human like Jack Reacher, and that makes her a more interesting character.

Negatives: Really, the romance thing was over-done. It was a predictable situation as soon as the two suitors, radically different, began to vie for her affections. It took what would have been a great "reveal" and sullied it by its predictability. On the same note, a slower burn with the "good guy" would likely have made it a better read, but I am a male reader and I am sure this was done for females.

In synopsis: our female lead moves to a rural Arizona town for her health and to take a seemingly dead-end job at a small town paper. A mystery about her predecessor drives the initial plot. Circumstances bring us into contact with a lot of "local color" (a major selling point for me), we meet the principal characters, our protagonist gets into and out of trouble, and the final "reveal" ties everything together very well.

As an additional bonus to me, I think Sylvia Nobel's dramatic conceit of the newspaper reporter speaks to people of a certain age who remember Woodward and Bernstein, Deep Throat, Edward Murrow, and the power of the press. Kendall O'Dell is not perfect, she makes mistakes. Some of her theories are dead wrong, and she pays for them.

If you do not mind the romance angle to the story or you can ignore it, this is a very worth-while read, a proverbial page turner.
Profile Image for Denise.
415 reviews31 followers
September 27, 2012
Oh my goodness what a mess Kendall gets herself into in this first book of the Kendall O'Dell series. The book is good but the story is kind of slow but then at the end, WOW, not only does it pick up speed but what an ending!!!

Mystery lovers should love this book/series.
Profile Image for Imanurse55.
3 reviews
January 10, 2011
It was a good book considering it was a free download for my Nook- As a mystery it kept my interest.
Profile Image for Book Him Danno.
2,403 reviews63 followers
February 27, 2017
An engaging murder mystery set in modern day Arizona with a newly transplanted news reporter as the heroine. As she delves into the unexpected disappearance of her predecessor she finds all is not as it appears in the small town. This is a well written book and the vivid scenery descriptions will make you feel like you are there. I enjoyed this book and would read other offerings by this author.

I have rated this book 4 stars.

I obtained this book from Amazon in Kindle format.
Profile Image for Shelly♥.
687 reviews10 followers
March 15, 2011
The only thing that saved this book from 2 stars was the last 60 pages where things got a little interesting. Another Free ebook via BNs Free Friday's program. I tell you, series are not my thing - especially female detectives.

Anyway, Kendell O'Dell is an asthmatic relocating to Arizona due to health problems. She finds a job in a small town at a newspaper via connections of her father. The editor sends her out on special assignment. Her predecessor mysteriously disappeared. Can she discover what really happened?

Two men vie for her affections. John Tally - co worker, rescuer, ranch owner and a general PITA guy and Eric - the gorgeous, suave lawyer. As she investigates many things come on her radar. A potentially crooked sheriff. An insane asylum. A woman's shelter. A Mexican woman looking for her predecessor. Dead teenagers in the desert. How do all the pieces fit together???

The climax of this book is quite exciting, although fairly predictable. Honestly, if you're a mystery buff (and I'm not), all the pieces are there for the most part. But figuring out how they all fit together is the more challenging thing. And really, the first 3/4 of the book were so boring. Enter Guy 1, "Please be my date." Guy 2, "Please be my date, I find you fascinating,even though I hardly know you." And, she's all a tingle...Blah, blah, blah. Is that too harsh?

I also found the main character to be more lucky than good. Not a very strong character. Now perhaps the author is setting the foundation for the character to grow, but honestly, I am ready to abandon her after one book. I don't care about what happens next.

Profile Image for Stanley McShane.
Author 10 books47 followers
March 21, 2014
Uh oh; know how some books you can just see what's going to happen and then, sure enough, it does? That's what happens with our heroine and her two suitors--the conundrum is in how she arrives at her choice. Still, in the meantime, you have Kendall O'Dell in Castle Valley, Arizona, relocated in part because of her asthma and on assignment at a local newspaper as an investigative reporter. I enjoyed for the most part her descriptions of the dry and hot southwest and having just spent my first winter as a "snowbird" (winter visitor! the better connotation) can relate to many of the comments concluding with the author the gradual and grudging love of the area; 180 degrees from everything you've always enjoyed but holding spellbound with a mysterious beauty of its own. The plot moves along quickly enough as it weaves the story in and out of greater and more sinister scenarios. Kendall vacillates between beaus (obviously NOT paying any attention to your insightful hints. The bad guys and girls just keep getting nastier until Kendall is forced to penetrate the secluded bastion holding the last vestige of secrets. Of course she is going to get caught, of course she'll land in a black hole, but of course she'll manage to escape--but how? Ah, that's what keeps you reading! Little plot twists that add spice ending in a real gully washer sure to separate the (bad) men from the (good) women. The ending neatly wraps it all up (a little too well--some things you just don't want or need to know), but on the whole a very enjoyable free BookBub offering. If you can go to a movie for pure escapism and come out satisfied and happy, you can read this book for the same.
566 reviews7 followers
April 4, 2014
Eight years ago when I lived in Las Vegas I met the author at a book signing. At the time she had written three books, which I purchased and she signed for me. I put them on the shelf and forgot about them until recently when my husband picked this one up and read it. He liked it so much that he promptly read the other two and encouraged me to read it. I enjoyed the book, but was surprised that he enjoyed it so much because it is a typical female amateur detective/romance.

Kendall O'Dell, the heroine, is beginning her career as a reporter on the Philadelphia Inquirer when is forced to move to a drier climate because of her asthma. She has also recently been dumped by her fiancé so she moves with a broken heart. Kendall's dad, a retired foreign correspondent, has a friend he worked with during the Vietnam War who has recently purchased a newspaper in a small Arizona town called Castle Valley. He agrees to hire Kendall to replace an investigative reporter who has recently gone missing. After that the story line is fairly predictable.

As I was reading the book, I kept telling my husband what was going to happen next. He wanted me to read the book partly because we have considered retiring to Arizona, although neither of us has spent much time there. The picture the book painted of Arizona was not a favorable one as far as I am concerned.

This book was fine for what it is--a light mystery/romance read.
Profile Image for Donald Blum.
33 reviews
April 7, 2012
I'm a sucker for journalism mystery adventure so chalk this one up to a guilty pleasure adding an extra star to the rating it likely deserves. Although this is no "Girl With the Dragon Tattoo", it is not easily dismissible as "just another writer solving a mystery" story, either. Kendall O'Dell is a three-dimensional character with feelings, flaws, and emotions. Perhaps I found her a bit too romantic, but hey, I'm a guy so maybe her two love interests actually were realistic under the circumstances.

I certainly didn't see the whodunit answer except that I assumed it would be a lot more complicated than finding a single answer to the bevy of mysteries that sprouted up around this small Arizona town. I was correct, and the revelations made logical sense as it was revealed in the adventurous final chapters.

From reading reviews it appears the follow-up novels are more adventure-mysteries, but don't necessarily add to the O'Dell characterization, which was for me the best parts of Deadly Sanctuary. For that reason, I'm going to likely pass on the future adventures of Kendall O'Dell even though I'm glad I made her acquaintance this one time.
Profile Image for Dee Renee  Chesnut.
1,549 reviews37 followers
December 1, 2011
This book was my Nook Free Friday selection for Dec 31, 2010, and it is no longer free. This is the first book in the Kendall O'Dell series. This Free Friday selection introduced me to a new author and new series in the mystery genre which I enjoy.

The stoy moved fast and was plotted well so that it held my attention. Kendall is hired as an investigative reporter; but her editor wants to keep her investigations secret so that she does not arouse antagonism from the local sheriff who no longer considers the disappearance of a former reporter to be worth investigating. Kendall accepts the job for reasons that have more to do with her health. She is soon curious enough to investigate her own stories, and new information keeps coming back to the investigation by the former reporter. Supporting characters have stories of their own. There is enough romance that this book could fit into a romance genre too.

I recommend it to readers who enjoy cozy mysteries or to readers who like mystery with a romance. I enjoyed it enough to look for other books written by this author at my local library.
Profile Image for Elaine.
2,258 reviews2 followers
March 14, 2011
Kendall was drawn in by two very different men; both intrigued her, though one irritated her.

I kind of had an idea throughout the book some of what was going on and then something would happen which made me think "Wow, this is a really good book," making me to want to purchase the next in the series (if there is a next) right then and there. Now I'm not so sure. I was hoping for a not-so-happy ending. Not that I like morbid but like so many books, it's so predictable.

That said, this book is worth the read because it is loaded with mystery and suspense. Besides it was free.

Young girls were turning up dead and toxicology reports mysteriously disappeared. The previous reporter mysteriously disappeared as well. Kendall's assignment was to discover what happened to him.

Eric is rich and charming and women are drawn to him like flies.

Tally also has a woman or two practically swooning for him.

Claudia runs the local shelter for young girls.

Roy is the the local sheriff.

Tugg runs the newspaper Kendall now works for.
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Diane Ferbrache.
1,831 reviews27 followers
March 6, 2011
Kendall O'Dell is a talented journalist looking for a quieter life when she takes a job at a small paper in a tiny town in Arizona. But when her editor assigns her to investigate the disappearance of her predecessor and to find out if the town's sheriff is involved, she finds herself in deeper than either of them expected. Kendall is a strong-willed woman and her determination to find out what really happened creates a story that will keep the reader on the edge of his/her seat.

Although some of the story is pretty transparent and storylines are sometimes predictable, how the mystery plays out and just how Nobel ties everything together makes an interesting read. The author creates a town full of interesting characters that I cared about. I read this on an airplane on my Kindle and was really disappointed when I had to turn it off for landing. More like Jessica Fletcher's stories than Agatha Christie's, but this is a worthwhile effort and I will look for more of this author's books.
60 reviews
March 27, 2012
First, let me just say...as a Southerner, "Y'all" is PLURAL, not singular. It was misused dozens of times throughout the entire book and irritated me so badly that I quickly began to skim over any parts with Ginger speaking. Only once, near the end, was it used properly. This really detracted from my enjoyment of the book. My personal feeling is that if an author is going to take the time to write and have a book published, they had damn well better get it right.

Otherwise, I really enjoyed the story even though it was fairly easy to figure out early on. There were a couple of twists that I didn't see coming, but honestly, I probably wouldn't have missed them if the story had turned out exactly as I thought it would. The ending seemed a bit rushed and didn't quite leave me with that full, satisfied feeling that signals the end of a great book, but it was free on Kindle and it delivered more than I usually allow myself to expect from a freebie.

If it's free or inexpensive, I'd recommend it.
Profile Image for Gary Sedivy.
522 reviews6 followers
April 25, 2014
It was freebie, and you get what you pay for. Perhaps that's too harsh. It wasn't that bad. My main gripe is some of the characters spoke like Yosemite Sam or Gomer Pyle. Their speech patterns made me think that the writer was from New York or Philadelphia trying to imagine what people in the southwestern United States would sound like - 'hayseeds'. Just made her happier than pigs in slop to write them there words. Yessiree, Bob.
The mystery was what happened to the reporter whom she was replacing at the newspaper in this little town. Supposedly she came out west for a 'cure' for her asthma. Of course, the first man she meets she dislikes intensely, and then she has to work with him. Which brings me to a line from "The Princess Bride", "Is this a kissing book?" There are a couple of romantic episodes, with hearts aflutter, risen heat, - alas, no flaming loins - but confusion running rampant. Ahh, well - happy endings, except for the bad guys.
Profile Image for Heather Bailey.
6 reviews2 followers
January 28, 2011
I am sorry, but this is honestly one of the worst books I have ever read. I still have about 25 pages left to read, but I felt the overwhelming need to come on here and vent about how bad of a book it is. The writing is so amateur, I feel like I have probably missed out on a huge amount of money, because if Sylvia Nobel was able to get this book published, then I could easily make a fortune being a writer. I have actually snickered to myself a couple of times, and re-read some lines because I was in disbelief that somebody wrote them thinking "this is a good line!". Maybe I am being a little too harsh...but I am a huge fan of Diana Gabaldon's, and coming to this one after reading something like A Breath of Snow and Ashes, was like reading a children's book.
Profile Image for Martha.
159 reviews2 followers
March 14, 2014
I always love a murder mystery with a twist of crazy. Deadly Sanctuary was a free Amazon book I found on Bookbasset. The Arizona setting helped me escape the rain and drizzle outside my window. Kendall O'Dell takes a job at The Castle Valley Sun newspaper after leaving a boyfriend in Pennsylvania. Morton Tuggs assigns her the job of finding out what really happened to John Dexter. As Kendall meets people from the town she just happens to have 2 men interested her and trying to win her heart. She is torn because she is attracted to both. As Kendall searches for a good story, she unravels at least 2 other murders. I thought it was an interesting topic and enjoyed the character development.
5,671 reviews31 followers
January 15, 2016
Kendall O'Dell has to move due to her breathing problems. She ends up moving into a desert-like area and gets a job on a local newspaper. That should have solved her health problems, but having someone trying to kill you doesn't help one's over-all health.

She falls for two different guys. She investigates a mystery about some young girls who turn up dead. She also discovers there seems to have been a cover-up by the law. She thinks she knows what is going on, but finds it's a whole lot worse than she expected. Problem is, will she live long enough to let the proper authorities know?

I enjoyed the story. It was a good mystery, the characters were realistic, and the events certainly not impossible at all. Unfortunately.
Profile Image for VLynch.
257 reviews5 followers
February 19, 2011
This was a freebie from Kindle, and I am thrilled to have a new author to read. I really enjoyed Kendall O'Dell the main character, she was kinda of mess, unemployed and trying to clean up her mess. I love her character actually, all the characters were interesting. I am excited to find other books in this series and follow Kendall through more adventures. She made me laugh, and with a murder mystery that is not always easy. I recommend Deadly Sanctuary, I would have gladly paid full price for this book.
11 reviews2 followers
January 6, 2011
I don't know if I even should admit that I read this but it was my first "free" Kindle download. I was more excited to download for free than anything! Should have stuck with Jane Eyre. And the review made it sound safe. And it was safe although parts of the storyline were troubling...especially towards the end as the whole plot is revealed...twisted. I can't recommend that you read it although I did enjoy the suspense and the silly romance.
533 reviews2 followers
January 26, 2016
This is a mystery set in small town Arizona - what happened to the reporter who disappeared? what about the two young girls found dead? why is evidence being lost by the sheriff? The young female reporter who takes a job on the local paper is handed the secret assignment to search for the answers in addition to covering her regular assignments. There were some elements that were pretty predictable - two handsome men both after young reporter, etc. Even so, it was pretty entertaining.
Profile Image for Julie.
174 reviews3 followers
December 29, 2010
This book was a free download on the Kindle, so I thought I'd try it even though it appeared to be self-published. Unfortunately, I couldn't get past the amateurish writing - melodramatic language, too much use of "I" and "my" in the first person, dialogue tags gone wild, and a lot of dialogue in dialect. And who the heck doesn't recognize a wild pig as *a pig*? *sigh* This book is not for me.
Profile Image for Carrie.
1,243 reviews23 followers
February 18, 2011
This one had potential but it didn't quite make it. The characters weren't fleshed out well, it seemed like the author was rushing the relationships and Kendall was really irritating and shallow at times. I did enjoy Ginger and her family and the mystery was very current/timely.
Profile Image for Steve.
63 reviews1 follower
September 10, 2012
Well, the price was right from Kindle - free. Unfortunately, this is a J.A. Jance wannabe, and it doesn't succeed. There are so many other good crime/mystery books out there that this one is best left on the shelf. Sorry.
Profile Image for Sarah.
978 reviews31 followers
Want to read
January 3, 2011
So I own a Nook now, and Barnes & Noble has the "Free Fridays" thing for Nook owners. This was the latest selection.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 306 reviews

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