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Deep Tech Innovation

Banking ROI amplified through AI. That’s Intelygenz.

At Intelygenz, we empower banks and fintechs with deep tech and A.I. solutions, ensuring seamless project development, deployment, and tangible ROI. Our end-to-end consultancy accelerates innovation, helping internal teams deliver transformative A.I. projects on time and within budget, addressing their most complex challenges.

85% of companies fail at bringing A.I. solutions to production. Intelygenz enables you to join the successful 15%.

Man coding on computer

The deep tech partner for banking and fintech

Banks and fintechs use Intelygenz’ deep tech A.I. solutions to help their teams get projects into production and trust us to tackle the most complex challenges. Confident in our capacity to support their team in delivering critical AI-enabled projects on time and within budget.

Build leading A.I. with data driven architecture We specialize in creating data-driven architecture, designed to be agile and scalable within the complex modern banking landscape.
Streaming A.I. into daily operations From automating routine tasks to enhancing decision making, A.I. transforms vast streams of data into actionable insights, empowering operational excellence.
Human-experience centric solutions By placing humans at the center of our technology solutions, we ensure that our partners can deliver services that are intuitive, secure and trustworthy.

Advanced technologies that deliver tangible ROI

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Fraud detection

Harnessing the power of machine learning algorithms and deep tech to meticulously analyse extensive datasets, honing in on patterns, and resolving anomalies with unparalleled accuracy.

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Customer awareness

Using sophisticated algorithms to analyze customer data, we can help you deliver specialized, personalized and targeted marketing strategies and product offerings.

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Customer care

Enhancing customer support with AI-driven tools and advanced technologies that improve response times, solution accuracy, and overall customer satisfaction.

Core banking and fintech

Global impact

Equipping banking and fintechs with the infrastructure to operate on a global scale.

Innovation enablement

We unlock the potential for partners to rapidly deploy new features and services, turning innovative ideas into tangible offerings.

Build leading A.I. with data driven architectures

Immediate value extraction

Leverage your current data with A.I. to make actionable, informed decisions without delays.

Long-term data strategy

Elevate your data handling, processing, and analysis capabilities for future innovations.

Human behaviour measurement

Understanding customers

Gain deep insights into customer behaviours and needs to tailor services more effectively.

Employee experience

Identify areas for improvement in workflows, tools, and increase job satisfaction.

Woman in office working on a laptop

Let’s help you get your deep tech project into production today

Success Stories

We've delivered A.I. enabled process automation solutions across a number of different industries. See our success stories below:

Bank card going into phone illustration

The all-digital bank

Building a digital branchless bank, from scratch.

Inside a computer illustration

Enhancing maintenance ticket triage

Capitalizing on existing investment and strengthening capabilities with A.I. processes.

Guy standing near satellite illustration

Rapid analysis in universe exploration

Reducing computing time through the utilization of a deep learning model approach.

Book a free scoping session with Intelygenz

We invite you to take advantage of a complementary day of scoping at no cost to you. We will answer your questions on all our solutions, seek ways to surface hidden value from within your data, and formulate recommendations for your business.

Let's talk banking and fintech