When expansive joy for another’s well-being overtakes the smaller feelings of competition, jealousy, or self diminishment, you are experiencing sympathetic joy. The term “sympathetic joy” is described in Buddhist teachings as rejoicing in the happiness of others. This state of course belongs to no religion and can be cultivated in a variety of ways. When I feel this kind of joy, it seems to be a gift from my Molten Core.

Joy in the happiness of others

The other day I was so happy as I received news about a great success for a friend of mine. She’s a few years younger and in a different field of work (technology sales) and her success isn’t something I had ever aspired to, but I felt her joy and was filled with my own joy for her. Another friend is going on a trip to Bali that I would love to go on. Again, I was filled with an upwelling of warmth and happiness for this delightful adventure she was about to embark on. And last weekend when I proudly watched two of my grandkids dance in a competition I was filled with joy for how gifted they are (in ways I will never be) and how much better their life will be because of the confidence they have so faithfully earned.

Splashing out

I’ve not always felt joy in the presence of someone else’s success, joy, or good fortune. Far from it. But something has shifted that is allowing this bubbling up of joy to spill out onto others and to splash over me at the same time. Many things have contributed to this—I’ve worked hard to choose expansion over limitation. But it’s the miraculous upwelling from some deep place in my being—the place that I call my Molten Core, that is the Source of this great generosity. I cherish this, and today I am in humble gratitude.