
Welcome to #MMchat Central! I’m your host @JeffAshcroft

Every Monday 8:00pm eastern please join us for #MarketerMonday #MMchat when we will feature a SPECIAL guest on our tweetchat. We will host a variety guests including leading executives from all types of Marketing and Social Media (SM) firms of all kinds.

To join our tweetchat just follow the #MMchat hashtag at the appointed time to see all of the tweets. Alternatively, you can follow through Twitter Search or follow #MMchat on your favorite twitter client.

And if you miss any one of our #MMchat sessions, just check in here to see our transcript posted roughly 24 hours after the chat is completed.

See this link for a running list of all past #MMchats & transcript links as well as upcoming #MMchat guests and we look forward to your participation!


Jeff Ashcroft