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1. Introduction

When working with Java programming, there are situations where we may need to pass a class as a parameter, enabling dynamic behavior and flexibility in our code.

In this tutorial, we’ll delve into different approaches for achieving this in Java.

2. Problem Definition

In Java, classes serve as blueprints for objects, defining their properties and behaviors. Moreover, passing a class as a parameter entails providing a reference to the class itself rather than an instance of the class.

This allows methods to operate on or instantiate objects of different classes dynamically.

3. Passing a Class Parameter

We can pass a class as a parameter just like any other object. Besides, we can use the Class class to represent classes in Java and pass instances of this class as arguments to methods. Here’s a simple implementation:

public class Example {
    public static void processClass(Class<?> clazz) {
        System.out.println("Processing class: " + clazz.getName());

    public static void main(String[] args) {

In the above example, the processClass() method accepts a Class<?> parameter, which represents a class of any type. Hence, we pass different classes (String.class, Integer.class, Double.class) to demonstrate the flexibility of this approach.

4. Reflection

One common application of passing a class as a parameter is in reflection, where classes are dynamically loaded and instantiated at runtime. Moreover, reflection allows us to inspect classes, methods, and fields and invoke methods at runtime. Here’s a simple example:

public class ReflectionExample {
    public static void processClass(Class<?> clazz, String methodName) throws Exception {
        Method method = clazz.getMethod(methodName);
        Object instance = clazz.getDeclaredConstructor().newInstance();

    public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
        processClass(ReflectionTarget.class, "sayHello");

class ReflectionTarget {
    public void sayHello() {
        System.out.println("Hello, Reflection!");

In this example, the invokeMethod() method takes a clazz class and a methodName as parameters. It uses reflection to dynamically invoke the specified method sayHello() on the provided class ReflectionTarget.

5. Using Generics

Another technique involves leveraging generics to pass classes as parameters, offering type safety and flexibility. Generics allow methods to operate on a wide range of class types, enhancing code reusability and readability. Here’s an example:

public class GenericExample {
    public static <T> void printListElements(Class<T> clazz, List<T> list) {
        System.out.println("Elements of " + clazz.getSimpleName() + " list:");
        for (T element : list) {

    public static void main(String[] args) {
        List<String> stringList = new ArrayList<>();

        printListElements(String.class, stringList);

In this example, the printListElements() method is a generic method that takes a class clazz and a list of elements list as parameters. It prints the elements of the list along with the class name. This allows the method to work with lists of different types.

6. Conclusion

In conclusion, passing a class as a parameter in Java is a versatile technique that enables dynamic behavior, reflection, and generic programming. By accepting classes as arguments, methods become more flexible, reusable, and adaptable to different scenarios.

As always, the complete code samples for this article can be found over on GitHub.

Course – LS – All
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Get started with Spring Boot and with core Spring, through the Learn Spring course:


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