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Jam with your team

An engaging and collaborative online whiteboard for team stand ups, retros, design critiques, and other get-togethers.

Three people using laptops while a dog sits nearby.Three people using laptops while a dog sits nearby.
FigJam board with three columns and sticky notes in each: backlog, in progress, and doneFigJam board with three columns and sticky notes in each: backlog, in progress, and done

Stand ups that stand out

Use stickies to note what each team member is working on, organize work on a Kanban board, and talk it out with your teammates. Stand ups in FigJam are as expressive as they are effective.

Focus on the feedback

Bring screens and assets from Figma into FigJam to gather better feedback. Provide quick reactions with stickers, emojis, and dot vote. Or sketch things out with marker tools.

Gather the team at the end of a sprint to discuss and jot down what went well and how you might improve going forward.

Mockups of websites with different image sizes and colors, with sticky notes from colleagues and their feedbackMockups of websites with different image sizes and colors, with sticky notes from colleagues and their feedback
Three animals drawn on FigJam board as ice breakerThree animals drawn on FigJam board as ice breaker

Break the ice and get in the flow

Whether you are kicking off a big project or working with a new team for the first time, a group activity or ice breaker can get things started on the right foot. Set a timer, and try a quick game of pictionary, or a “this or that” voting challenge. Any fun activity you would do on a whiteboard, you can do in FigJam—online.

Jam with anyone

Open sessions give you a fast and frictionless way to invite users to your FigJam files for 24 hours—no Figma account required.

Image highlighting Open sessions with visitor cursors hoveringImage highlighting Open sessions with visitor cursors hovering

Get started with a team collaboration template

Choose from our collection of templates for team meetings to get started quickly. Or, check out the Figma Community to see how others are using FigJam with their teams.

Example template for a team standup with multiple columns for statusExample template for a team standup with multiple columns for status

Stand ups

Download template

FigJam board used for team retrospectiveFigJam board used for team retrospective


Sticky notes and images with a thumbs up and heart stickers as feedbackSticky notes and images with a thumbs up and heart stickers as feedback

Templates from the Community