WATCH: Jon Stewart Rips America's Islamophobia Problem

News & Politics

We all know the radicals: the "anti-Islam" rallies, the Pam Gellers, the Fox Newses. But last night Jon Stewart reminded us that Islamophobia is often a routine feature of American society that even mainstream corporations - in this case Abercrombie and Fitch and United Airlines - partake in. 

First was the case of Samantha Elauf, who won a victory in the Supreme Court this week for the right to wear a hijab - which her employer at the time, Abercrombie and Fitch, said violated their dress code. The second - and far more bizarre - case was that of Tahera Ahmad, who was denied a soda can on a United Airlines flight because the flight attendant thought it could be used as a weapon. With Islamophobia on the rise in the wake of the Charlie Hebdo shooting, these types of incidents often go unnoticed. It's only when they involve high-profile lawsuits or exceptionally outrageous behavior does the media take note. So, good for Stewart for taking some time out to draw attention to a problem that's rarely highlighted, let alone put in a broader context.

Watch the hilarious two-part segment, including a bit with Daily Show's "senior religious correspondent" Hasan Minhaj on how Muslims can avoid discrimination:


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