Sunday Salon May 10 2015

Happy Mother’s Day to all the mothers out there!! I am a bad, bad daughter. I thought Mothers Day was next week. I need to look harder at my calendar for important Holidays. I sent my mom a text. She will be here on Friday for my birthday so we can celebrate both holidays then.

I have been busy reading books on how to take freelancing to the next level and self-help books. I am not sure if people are interested in hearing about those, so I haven’t done any reviews of them. I am starting to crave stories again, so this week I will read more of that. That is my escape from everyday life, and we all need escapes right?

I got a new recliner aka my blogging chair for my birthday. The other one broke during my move, so my family decided to get me another one. There is nothing like being all comfy when you are typing stuff on the internets. Maybe I can convince them to get me a Mac for Christmas. HAHAHAHAHA I wish.

I think I have finally got the no smoking thing down. I fell off the Paleo Wagon but on June 1st I will get back on. I thought I could battle two demons at once, but I was sadly mistaken. You live and learn. I am still taking Chantix, and it seems to work way better than the patches or gum ever did. I read that you could take a supplement to help with sugar cravings. I forget what it is right at this moment. I will have to look it up. I will order some of whatever it is on Amazon, and we shall see how well that works.

I downloaded Microsoft Office, and I noticed they have OneNote I wonder what the difference between OneNote and Evernote is? I can’t tell but if you have any idea let me know.

The book I am reading today is Blog Inc. It is written by the woman behind the Oh Joy! Blog. It has some good ideas if you want to blog for a living or monetize your blog. If anyone wants a full review, let me know.

I am going to write some reviews today for this week so be on the lookout for more reviews! If you have a topic that you would like me to cover don’t hesitate to contact me and I will write about it. I LOVE hearing from readers!

1 Comment

  1. readerbuzz says:

    I got caught up this morning on reviews. Hope you do, too!

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