French la Vie

French la Vie



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Mother Nature
2024-07-26 21:59 UTC by French la Vie

Mother Nature

Mother Nature

a black violet carpenter bee

Mother Nature

Gabriel found it and sensed it was injured somewhere but we didn’t know where. I found a reed and he carried it to a shady moist area.

The cycle of life through the eyes of a child.


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Dancing in the Park
2024-07-25 21:49 UTC by French la Vie









Give Peace a Chance
2024-07-24 21:53 UTC by French la Vie



Is our Silence

We miut speak up fo those who cannot.



A Day in Provence
2024-07-23 14:33 UTC by French la Vie

You know you are in Provence when you see red-tiled roofs, lavender fields, sunflowers with poppies waving their last farewell, bouillabaisse sharing hints of garlic and saffron, served first with a Pastis, painted shutters in almond green and sky blue, and faded sunshine (if there is such a season in Provence!),...

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Winnie Pig
2024-07-22 17:55 UTC by French la Vie

chubby guinea pig, baby guinea pig, babyboar

(photo via cutGuinea Pig by Guinea Dad)




My friend Erika told Yann, 

"You will be our guinea pig." 


Yann, with a perplexed look on his face, quipped,

"So, what's this about a Winnie Pig?"

Erika and I could not hold back our laughter, thinking he was teasing.

Then realized he was serious.


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Objects that Speak
2024-07-21 15:30 UTC by French la Vie

objects that speak

The items we hold on to may not always be the most valuable, but they hold a special place in our hearts. I have my dad's old tee shirt, my children's baby teeth, a holy water font from my grandparents' bed, and Annie's beret... Each of these items is a thread in the fabric of our story, transporting me back in time.

I've got some decorative...

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Weekly Top Posts: 2024-07-21
2024-07-21 04:00 UTC

  1. Oranges and Onions Were Her New Best Friends
  3. French Antique Guessing Game
  4. The House Next Door
  5. The Non Stop Group - Brocante until You Drop and They Don’t

Me, Myself, and I
2024-07-20 19:54 UTC by French la Vie



"What they call you is one thing,

What you answer to is something else."


This part of a poem by Lucille Cliffton struck me—it went right on in and brought a moist feeling to my eyes. I know, I know, and I am rock-solid, certain you know, too, that it does not matter what labels others try to stick on you; ultimately, our own...

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The Name Game
2024-07-19 21:28 UTC by French la Vie

Leonie is an old French name that is regaining popularity. It means "Lioness." Our friend's son recently named their newborn daughter Leonie, and in France, the second syllable is more pronounced.

Jennifer is Jen NI fer

French Names all you need to Know


When you...

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The Name Game
2024-07-18 21:39 UTC by French la Vie

Img_2436 First, I must say I collect seashells.

Secondly, my daughter's prenom-first name is, "CHELSEA." My Father-in-law, a man of very few words, let alone English ones, said to me at her birth: "Chelsea is, "Sea-Shell, backwards, non?"

The French pronounce CH as SH, my daughter's name, therefore, is pronounced, "Shel-sea".

When I was pregnant I...

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2024-07-17 07:30 UTC by French la Vie




I believed that somewhere, beyond my imagination, there existed a place where we were free to love and be loved in peace. Somewhere inside ourselves is a seed of eternal goodness, untarnished, vibrant, steadfast to the everlasting universe of love. Life cannot be this haunting darkness carving a path that leads to division. We...

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2024-07-16 20:50 UTC by French la Vie


The car windows are down, inviting nature to come inside.

My hair wildly dances in the wind every which way, tangling with the scent of pine, thyme, and hints of rosemary.  

Like guardians of the road to Cassis, the parasol pines gracefully sway, or are they waving to us?

The sun pours golden flames, giving ample reason for the...

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The Fragrance of Provence
2024-07-15 21:07 UTC by French la Vie


Speak to me in French without saying a word in French.

French la Vie a Few Places Remain
2024-07-14 08:04 UTC by French la Vie

Dates for the French la Vie 2025, Ready, Set, Go


The dates for next year are now set and open for booking:

May 6-13th, 2025 - Two places available
May 20-27th, 2025 - Full
June 3-10th, 2025 - Two places available
September 9-16th, 2025 - FULL
September 23-30th, 2025 - Full
October 2-8, RST 2025 - Full

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Weekly Top Posts: 2024-07-14
2024-07-14 04:00 UTC

  1. Oranges and Onions Were Her New Best Friends
  2. French Antique Guessing Game
  4. Embrace Life
  5. The House Next Door

The Story of Another Old Thing
2024-07-13 21:00 UTC by French la Vie

Railings are everywhere in France. Everywhere. They adorn everything—various sizes, intricate to plain Janes, straight-lace to curvy. Made of iron, they are made to last. I bet you could go to any part of France, Stand in one spot, pivot around, and you would find an iron railing. As I said, they are everywhere; look at these as if they...

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My Neighbor On His Heavenly Anniversary
2024-07-12 21:03 UTC by French la Vie



When my children were little, we had a magical, organic vegetable garden. We had tomatoes until December, green beans that made Jack-in-the-Bean-Stalk look like any Tom Dick or Harry kind of ordinary guy and spinach that made Popeye green with envy. Our garden was the talk of the neighborhood.

Our neighbor to the right asked the...

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The Empty Nest is All a Flutter
2024-07-11 21:10 UTC by French la Vie

Chelsea left home at 17 to go to University, and Sacha left home to have a gap year right after high school graduation. The house was uncomfortably quiet. The milk carton in the fridge was full, the toilet paper roll was intact, and the laundry basket- was empty. How strange the things were when they both were away... and they never were...

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The Kitchen Helper
2024-07-10 22:30 UTC by French la Vie

415C207E-916A-4F33-BA4A-017551737DB8 C28FB89A-D925-4CFB-A7CE-A18C6D5435CB

Sort of

One is the constant taster-

And the other actually helps, and reads in between needed.



Be the One
2024-07-09 21:59 UTC by French la Vie



Be the one who stands up against the crowd

Be the voice that sings over hatred

Be the one who offers kindness when none is shared

Be the one who believes against the odds that love exists

Be the one who says to the underdog you matter to me,



And if you cannot be the one who stands up, and speaks the hard truth,...

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Splashing Reality
2024-07-08 21:29 UTC by French la Vie








The two pickles are staying with me (Yann is sailing with a friend) while Chelsea and Martin prepare to move from Paris to Provence. 

Our little town has sixteen fountains; most are from the 19th century. The water is from a natural spring, so the sixteen fountains were dry for the last few years...

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Don't Forget Us
2024-07-07 21:43 UTC by French la Vie

Gaza Nine Months

nine months


I posted daily on my Instagram stories from several young Palestinians and other Gazan journalists I have followed since October 7th. If you want to know more, maybe you are not seeing what is happening since outside reporters are not allowed by Israel into Gaza.

Mohammed and his family are living on their own...

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Weekly Top Posts: 2024-07-07
2024-07-07 04:00 UTC

  2. Oranges and Onions Were Her New Best Friends
  3. The Pendulum's Swings
  4. The Winner of the One Week Stay in Our Apartment in Paris
  5. Embrace Life

Saturday Afternoon
2024-07-06 22:42 UTC by French la Vie


My post did not go out yesterday.

a glitch.


A double take on Sunday x

more to come xx


The Restful Place
2024-07-06 09:11 UTC by French la Vie

My friend Arnelle at home summer salad

My friend Arnelle at home

My friend Arnelle at home


Spending time with our friends Rodger and Arnelle feels like a prelude to what heaven must feel like.

Thank you, for the glorious weekend.



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Guess Who This Is
2024-07-05 21:42 UTC by French la Vie


And he said, “Why not?”

And I said, “It won’t be blonde but a copper color.”

And he said, “It’s just for fun.”

And I said, “Yeah, and it grows back.”


Best is to explore and be open to ideas.



Let it Begin
2024-07-04 16:03 UTC by French la Vie







this beauty, calmness, abundance, simplicity…

until life can be for everyone everywhere.

C E A S E F I R E 


The Long Held Secret is Out
2024-07-03 21:56 UTC by French la Vie

✨New Chapter✨

Here below let Chelsea tell you the news:



I’ve been very quiet on social media lately but a lot has been going on. And I can’t wait to share more with you. After 12 years of living in the heart of Paris, our Parisian chapter is coming to an end. I am feeling so many mixed emotions. 
I truly love...

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Love Song: How to Sing It
2024-07-02 21:34 UTC by French la Vie

Singing love songs


How to sing a love song:

1) Find a song you like. Listen to it and feel how it moves you, guides you, sets you on fire.





2) Practice singing. Everywhere you go and in the moments throughout your day. A love song needs to be heard it doesn't matter if it is out of tune, or not on the top ten list. It's your...

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The Pendulum's Swings
2024-07-01 21:34 UTC by French la Vie

Living life on a pendulum signifies the three distinct points - one at each far end, and the middle point. Embracing life at the far ends of the pendulum creates a sense of black and white thinking, where things are viewed in extremes and absolutes. It's a perspective that lacks nuances and differences. Being in the middle of the pendulum embraces...

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The Morning After
2024-06-30 06:43 UTC by French la Vie


we went to bed a wee bit late

morning came with seconds 

the fountains greeted us as chirpy as the hirondelles.

we are heading to the voting polls

a critical vote.





Weekly Top Posts: 2024-06-30
2024-06-30 04:00 UTC

  1. Beauties I Saw in Ireland
  2. …you change hearts
  3. What Caught My Eye at the Brocante Today
  4. Ask Why and Ask Again
  5. Thinking Outside the Box

A French Summer’s Eve
2024-06-29 21:35 UTC by French la Vie



Deep in the Provençal countryside our friend Philippe had his annual summer party.

This view, rolling green, steady charm, Peter Mayle’s words in reality to see a video go on my Facebook.




French Party Scene

First, you do not arrive emptied handed, nor on the dot.

Thirty minutes later is assumed.


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A Mini French la Vie and a Bugadier
2024-06-28 21:33 UTC by French la Vie


brocante French la vie


Learning about French history and culture through antiques is one of the reasons I love the brocante.


Today, I had the pleasure of meeting Teresa and her daughter Abby. Abby asked me to plan a mini French la Vie day to surprise her mother since she knew she had read my blog for at least 15 years. It is always a pleasure...

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Red Tomato, The Glory of Summer
2024-06-27 21:55 UTC by French la Vie


Nourishment for the soul, 

late in the afternoon, 

a cool breeze caresses while

standing in the garden,

toes wiggle in muddy silk, 

Sun-ray halos,

I bite into the fresh tomato

Juice runs down my chin, down my neck, between my breasts...






Tomato Soup

Saute two...

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Related Stories


The Creative Spirit
2024-06-26 21:58 UTC by French la Vie

Reves d'argile creative force

Creative power is a mighty force when unleashed; one way or another, it has its way of igniting us, and the flame can set fire for others to do the same and discover their own creative force.


Reves d'argile creative force

Those of you who know my friend Mo at Rêves D'argile know you cannot leave her studio empty-handed. And if you are invited to share a...

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Ask Why and Ask Again
2024-06-25 21:05 UTC by French la Vie

mother and child


When we repeatedly ask 'why,' we can delve deeper into a question. If we continue to ask, we can eventually get to the root of the issue and, from there, understand the source and the truth or be in awe of the mystery.

As a child, Sacha, like other curious children, would ask 'why' about almost everything. He wouldn't be satisfied with...

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Beauties I Saw in Ireland
2024-06-24 21:06 UTC by French la Vie

Corey Amaro flower power

Rose d'amour

Corey Amaro flower power

lisianthus or praire gentian


Corey Amaro flower power

foxgloves galore

growing wild along the roadside.

Corey Amaro flower power

canterbury bells


Corey Amaro flower power

can you tell me what this flower is?


Corey Amaro flower girl power

My friends in Ireland

Carrie and Ling Ling.

Notice the different styles of glasses and three hair colors?




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…you change hearts
2024-06-23 21:33 UTC by French la Vie

Sacred Heart Relic




Weekly Top Posts: 2024-06-23
2024-06-23 04:00 UTC

  1. Oranges and Onions Were Her New Best Friends
  2. French Antique Guessing Game
  3. The House Next Door
  4. Delicious Decisions: A Wedding in Provence
  5. Homemade Apricot Pie and Crust

What Caught My Eye at the Brocante Today
2024-06-22 21:04 UTC by French la Vie

Brocante Provence

Silk-colored threads on wooden bobbins
Delightful summer splash at the brocante today.


Brocante Provence

Brocante Provence

Darling box. The appeal was the set of tiny drawers and the green patina.

Though the price wouldn't budge, I passed it by, swoosh, and someone bought it.

Brocante Provence

My friend Arnelle bought this painting. 

Brocante Provence

Pretty, but I prefer...

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Beatitudes 1
2024-06-21 20:50 UTC by French la Vie






Thinking Outside the Box
2024-06-20 22:37 UTC by French la Vie


Child’s play. Is the best way for children to learn 

 »Let us play. »

But, we adults try to teach or encourage with our ideas which are needed at times Though, it is so important to let children experience on their own when the environment is safe to do so.



To let them discover in their own way-

To allow them...

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