
Week-end: links & life {vol. 19}

“A pound of pluck is worth a ton of luck.”
– James A. Garfield


I don’t put much stock in the idea of luck. Most of what we call luck can also be looked at as blessings — and I believe what we do (or don’t) accomplish is based upon hard work rather than “luck.” All that being said, I have a thing for finding four-leaf clovers; my mom and my grandmother had the same knack for them as I do. This one is my first of the year.

from around the web

right here at home

Homeschool and family happenings this week:

future geologist

The boy has a thing for rocks. When he isn’t making plans to be a firefighter (or a police man, or both at the same time), he wants to be a geologist. Either way, he’s eagerly anticipating the day he reads well enough to read ALL the books about rocks.

making clover chains

Spring = awesomeness. Everything is green and glorious. (I’m willfully overlooking mud and resulting muddy dogs.) It does us all so much good to get outside.

amigarumi doll crochet by Kathryn

Kathryn’s latest amigurumi crochet project. Seriously. I can’t get over it.


Ken and I celebrated our 10th anniversary with a lunch date at a neat little restaurant in an old train station. We had lunch on the porch since the weather was springlike perfection, then wandered around afterwards and did a little shopping. Just the kind of low-key date we enjoy.

Most of the week, I stuffed my brain full of ALL THE THINGS for my personal fitness trainer certification test. I took it this morning and I’m delighted to report I passed!!! I wasn’t sure this mama-brain would be able to retain everything I needed to know but YAY!!!! Now I can dive into my library book stash; I wouldn’t let myself til after my test so as not to fill up necessary brain cells with non-fitness related topics. 😉

Enjoy the weekend, friends!

* * * * *

Linking up with Kris and Mary.


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Congratulations on passing your exams. Am enjoying these Friday roundups.


Congratulations on passing! I was sure you would but it’s good to have confirmation 🙂 I’m blown away by that crochet doll, I didn’t know it was possible to make stuff like that! I’m glad spring has arrived here too, it’s a lot easier to stem the chorus of “can we watch TV?” when playing football (soccer) in the garden is a legitimate alternative. Mud notwithstanding…

Congratulations on passing the exam, Jamie! Love the photos. I always do, but they’re so springy-looking this week that they made me smile.


Happy anniversary!

The crochet doll is so pretty – she did a great job!


Woohoo! You can be my personal trainer now! 😉 Seriously Jamie – this is excellent.

I love the crochet creation – you have one talented teen on your hands. And, happy anniversary to you and Ken. It looks like it was a GREAT week!

Stef Layton

So impressed! Mom, wife, homeschooler – personal trainer. I am inspired to ‘get serious’ it can be done!!