Tongue in Cheek

Tongue in Cheek



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Up High
2024-06-17 10:58 UTC by French la Vie


Do you see Yann on top of the scaffolding?

When you own a home, repairs, and renovations are often required. Our home was completely renovated years ago. The walls are made of stones and are three feet thick dating back four hundred years ago. 

Our house like other houses in our village adjacent to one another creating six feet of stones...

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Beautiful Father's Day
2024-06-16 18:32 UTC by French la Vie



My father would say to me

when you fall in love with someone ask yourself-

“Is he worthy to be the father of my children?

Will he be a good father?”


He was and he is. 

Happy Father's Day




Weekly Top Posts: 2024-06-16
2024-06-16 04:00 UTC

  1. Oranges and Onions Were Her New Best Friends
  3. French Antique Guessing Game
  4. Loads of Family Photos
  5. Delicious Decisions: A Wedding in Provence

One Last Scone
2024-06-15 21:35 UTC by French la Vie


The last day in Ireland with my friend Carrie, I had one of the most delicious scones. We were at a café where the green hills rolled almost down into the sea. 
A perfect ending.




An Irish Evening
2024-06-14 07:34 UTC by French la Vie


An enchanting evening unfolded at a friend's Irish home, where the air was alive with music's magic. We savored a delectable, home-cooked meal with the wonderfully creative souls, Carrie Chern Weiss, June Housden, and Stephen Housden.

Thank you cx


2024-06-13 09:09 UTC by French la Vie








A peek at the immense beauty of Cork, Ireland’s coastline. The intensity of green and the rugged cliffs caressed by the sea.



Colorful Cork City Facades
2024-06-12 21:50 UTC by French la Vie









Ireland with Friends
2024-06-11 22:10 UTC by French la Vie


Spending magical days in Cork Ireland, at my friend Carrie’s home. I might never leave x The Irish are very kind and friendly. Carrie is outgoing and never meets a stranger. She amazes me how she does that. She even stopped on the road to talk to the policeman who was controlling traffic! They talked as if they had known each other for years. It...

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Roses are Blue
2024-06-10 22:59 UTC by French la Vie


Roses are red, 

Violets are blue.

I asked Olivia, for the thirteenth time,

« What color is your lipstick? »

 »Blue! » she giggled.

 »Oh no, it is red. »

We went around and around, naming colors; they were always blue to Olivia until they were black.

She is two years old. Learning two languages.
Blue is Bleu,...

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My French Rose
2024-06-09 18:41 UTC by French la Vie

Pray tell, What do old roses and an old friend, who was born in Texas, then moved back to Greece, with her Greek parent's when she was 3, have to do with a blog about French antiques?
This is a repost from 2006 when I first started blogging. I stumbled upon it today, it is the first post...

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Weekly Top Posts: 2024-06-09
2024-06-09 04:00 UTC

  1. Oranges and Onions Were Her New Best Friends
  2. French Antique Guessing Game
  3. Saturday Self Portrait
  4. Delicious Decisions: A Wedding in Provence
  5. Loads of Family Photos

Sacha. an afternoon spent with Sacha.
2024-06-08 06:57 UTC by French la Vie


A brief visit before he heads to Cannes for some camera work.

Sacha lives in Seattle. I wished he lived closer. My mother  says,

”Now, you know how it feels to have a child live faraway.”


i tell myself if he is happy I am happy.

Thankful, for the afternoon spent talking and talking.



Little One
2024-06-07 06:59 UTC by French la Vie


Little One in the park.



Related Stories


The Gift
2024-06-06 21:26 UTC by French la Vie

the toy store

After school, Chelsea, the two little Pickles, and I went to a toy store—an absolutely lovely, take-you-back-in-time type of toy store. Before entering Chelsea, set the rules, "We are going in to buy an elastic because Vavie wants to teach you Chinese jump rope since you two were mesmerized by it today at the park; plus, we need to buy a...

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going to see the little people
2024-06-05 21:51 UTC by French la Vie


I am on my way to Paris to see the little ones. Plus, Sacha is there too visiting his Italian Girlfriend who just finished her Masters in Museology in Paris.

Guess, what photos are going to be shown here?




Take a Dip in Change
2024-06-04 16:07 UTC by French la Vie



Carry the tub outside.

Under your arm and with the other

Gather buds, blossoms, and blooms-

toss them in the bath.

Oh, the splash of delight.

Take the garden hose and fill it 


Take your clothes off

and toss them...

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A Conversation with Sue and Mohammed
2024-06-03 21:36 UTC by French la Vie


We had a video chat with Mohammed and Sue (Mohammed left Gaza two weeks before the border was closed with his wife and baby son with the extraordinary money raised by many of you and the generous offer of hospitality by Sue, who has lived in Cario for many years.)

Mohammed and I have talked several times by phone and text. But this time, we made...

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Just Us Two
2024-06-02 13:58 UTC by French la Vie


a very rare photo of us two

do you ever catch a glimpse of yourself & do a double take?

my grandmother said to me fifty some years ago

« I feel fifteen until I catch a glimpse of myself in the mirror and ask, who is that? »

now I know what she means.

when I have not so beautiful thoughts about my looks~ 

I remind myself...

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Weekly Top Posts: 2024-06-02
2024-06-02 04:00 UTC

  1. Oranges and Onions Were Her New Best Friends
  2. Who can Make This?
  3. A Little Taste of the French la Vie
  4. Chelsea Joins the Tribe
  5. What Encourages You?

Petal After Petal
2024-06-01 21:20 UTC by French la Vie



A rosebud, fading with memories tucked in between its petals

The seasons have caressed it.

                Sing the song of...

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The Way it Was
2024-05-31 20:43 UTC by French la Vie


Okay, I used to dress Chelsea up like a doll;

And take pictures of her.          

You gotta know I couldn’t drive, I was alone, it was winter…

Paris was cold, grey, and rainy, and I was from California!            


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Lessons of Antiquing
2024-05-30 21:02 UTC by French la Vie





Yesterday, I went to visit an antique dealer’s attic. It was a dream come true. Attics are usually dark, and this one was no exception. In my excitement to get there, I parked my car in haste and ran to her door. When I went up to the...

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Related Stories


Collecting Antiques
2024-05-29 21:49 UTC by French la Vie



The chandelier was found at an antique shop, and the bust was found at an antique market under a vendor's table. It may be sold since it was under the table.

Ask questions. Don't assume that because something is put aside or looks nice, it is either sold or too expensive.




Set of 24 hundred-year-old wine glasses. I...

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What Did They Buy at the Brocante
2024-05-28 21:24 UTC by French la Vie

What Did They Buy at the Brocante

This is a smidgen of what we saw during our brocante escapade they filled a forty-cubic-meter container and still are going full throttle on the brocante trail.

Yes, they have shops in Virginia.


What Did They Buy at the Brocante


The pink chair somehow managed not to make the cut. It was one of the few things that did not come back...

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Related Stories


Who can Make This?
2024-05-27 22:42 UTC by French la Vie


If you know how to make this will you show me how?


Living the Moment
2024-05-26 21:47 UTC by French la Vie



Weekly Top Posts: 2024-05-26
2024-05-26 04:00 UTC

  1. Oranges and Onions Were Her New Best Friends
  2. French Antique Guessing Game
  3. Saturday Self Portrait
  4. Pumpkin Pasta
  5. Grandmother Amaro's Hug

Imperfect Perfection
2024-05-25 21:45 UTC by French la Vie



Chelsea Joins the Tribe
2024-05-24 21:35 UTC by French la Vie


Thank you, Darling.

A part of the beans are spilled but the best is yet to come.

Never in my wildest dreams did I think the bug would bite you!

Please, follow Chelsea on Instagram to see our brocante adventures and brocante bites. Her reels are make me smile.




Dear Readers,

Tomorrow, I will continue to...

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2024-05-23 21:04 UTC by French la Vie





Hi, I'm grateful for the engagement of my readers, and that includes you. If you have any questions about the French la Vie, I'm here to answer them. Recently, I received some interesting queries from Fat Rabbit and Ed.

Ed said, "It sounds like you have too much on your plate to worry about taking pictures all day....

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A Little Taste of the French la Vie
2024-05-22 21:01 UTC by French la Vie

French la Vie


Natasha, we're thrilled to have you considering joining us!

Thank you for your comment where you asked:

"... For a non-alcoholic - would there be space to still join the foodie fun?"

Yes, of course! I am a non-alcoholic, and well, that says it all, doesn't it?

Of course, Yann will propose sips randomly throughout the brocante journey,...

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Brocante Day One
2024-05-21 21:20 UTC by French la Vie


The second their feet hit the ground, they were doing what they had dreamed of buying antiques in France for their shops in the USA.

We shopped

Then came back to my home for dinner. Before retiring to their bedrooms Deborah asked,

"What will I dream about tonight?

That was a sweet compliment xx

Do you have any questions for me?


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Ready Set Go
2024-05-20 09:03 UTC by French la Vie

579E0C81-BA16-4E88-B207-F06B113C060F EA2C21F1-4730-49E1-991B-3DC26F779CB4


Ready set go! The next group arrives today and plans to be here for ten days. A lot of buying is hoped for as they have shops in the States. They said that they are not foodies and would rather shop than eat. Last weeks group was the opposite. They liked both.

Are you ready to tag along? 

If you were here what would you be...

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Some Random Photos and Thoughts
2024-05-19 21:27 UTC by French la Vie


Chelsea and I are sitting on a stone wall with vibrant spring in the background. Thanks, Hannah, for taking this photo of us,

This dress is one of my favorites. I bought it at a second-hand shop for five Euros. I have no idea how old it is. Since I haven’t been wearing black, I like orange, green, and yellow clothing. It's kind of...

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Weekly Top Posts: 2024-05-19
2024-05-19 04:00 UTC

  1. Pumpkin Pasta
  2. French Antique Guessing Game
  3. Saturday Self Portrait
  4. Grandmother Amaro's Hug
  5. If You Could Change One Thing About Your Body?

The Foodies
2024-05-18 21:05 UTC by French la Vie


Last week's French la Vie group came for the experience, to admire everything French, to soak up the culture around dining, to learn about France through antiquing, and to buy a bit along the way.

They enjoyed food, so I called them the "Foodies." It was an absolute pleasure since France is about food, and talking about food is their...

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Rain or Shine
2024-05-17 21:49 UTC by French la Vie



A lot of both makes the garden grow and reminds us that we grow with both in life as well.



Olivia with a Lizard
2024-05-16 20:30 UTC by French la Vie





The other day while leading a group around my favorite brocantes I found this adorable, 1900s white cotton, child’s dress. Guessing that it would fit Olivia I bought it.

The eyelet-collared dress fit like it was designed especially for her.

I begged for a photo. Which Olivia promptly turned into a comedy act with a toy...

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Bananas and Coconut Milk
2024-05-15 14:04 UTC by French la Vie


Maybe one day after I get bored with antiques

I will start a stuffed animal zoo.



Would you visit my zoo?

I will serve bananas and coconut milk.

Thanks, Lorna, for the photos, and for laughing at my jokes last week! Should I show my readers my T-Rex too?



Chairs Waiting for a Table to Cozy Up to
2024-05-14 20:46 UTC by French la Vie

Chairs stacked up waiting for a table to cozy up to

Chairs waiting for a table to cozy up to, although they are not the style of someone I have in mind.

Have you ever had a secret to keep that you were longing to spill the beans?
I cannot say more, but as soon as I am given the green light...

I will be shouting it from the mountain top!






Cassis Lighthouse
2024-05-13 21:37 UTC by French la Vie


the group on their last day!








Happy Mother’s Day
2024-05-12 21:17 UTC by French la Vie

Happy Mother's Day


H A P P Y    M O T H E R ' S     D A Y 

With every ounce of love and thanksgiving for you.



Weekly Top Posts: 2024-05-12
2024-05-12 04:00 UTC

  1. Pumpkin Pasta
  2. French Antique Guessing Game
  3. Saturday Self Portrait
  4. If You Could Change One Thing About Your Body?
  5. Grandmother Amaro's Hug

A Picture at the Brocante
2024-05-11 21:08 UTC by French la Vie


Give this a caption.



French la Vie Nicknames
2024-05-10 21:03 UTC by French la Vie

the foodies


Each group that comes to tag along with the brocantes has its personality. The first group of the year I called them, the Non-Stop group, as they wanted to go antiquing rather than anything else. Now, the next group, the one here now, I am calling them the Foodies, which, after brocanting, is the next best thing about being in France....

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The Time of Cherries
2024-05-09 21:24 UTC by French la Vie

the time of cherries

the time of cherries

the time of cherries


Sitting with my dear friend Monique

whom I have constant admiration for her creativity and generous heart.

Thank you for the lovely dinner you shared with the French la Vie

under your cherry tree xx



Following the Sign
2024-05-08 21:15 UTC by French la Vie

away we go




brocante. Here, there, everywhere.



and many moments sharing with new friends.



Unequal Truths
2024-05-07 21:13 UTC by French la Vie


The joy of sharing time with my daughter and friends.

And the never-ending thoughts and efforts to help those in Palestine. 

The strange world of humanity is a mixture of everything all at once.

Some live freely, easily, and safely, while others suffer.

How do we do it?

How do we live with such unequal truths?



2024-05-06 21:18 UTC by French la Vie


Is there no room for love, forgiveness, and acceptance? 

Is life no longer sacred?

We did not "start the fire," but surely we must be beyond being savage?


Stop the invasion, the massacre of Rafah!

I have been hoping to help a young woman leave Gaza, but now the borders are closing.

There isn't any safe place and no way to...

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Antiquing Once in a Lifetime
2024-05-05 21:48 UTC by French la Vie

Antiquing Once in a Lifetime

Antiquing Once in a Lifetime

I met someone I hadn't seen in years a few weeks ago. We were at a brocante, and he invited me to his home—a personal invitation to be the first person to view what he had to offer as he was downsizing. My, what an incredible experience his home was! It was ten hundred times more than I expected. I was utterly in awe of his home. His way...

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Weekly Top Posts: 2024-05-05
2024-05-05 04:00 UTC

  2. Pumpkin Pasta
  3. French Antique Guessing Game
  4. How to Make Rose Jam... Since You Asked
  5. Saturday Self Portrait

How Do We Bring About Positive Change
2024-05-04 10:19 UTC by French la Vie



2024-05-03 21:10 UTC by French la Vie





What Encourages You?
2024-05-02 16:49 UTC by French la Vie


One of my favorite trees. Those roots go forth, strong, determine, willing, seeking, supporting… they remind me of friends and family that help me to grow and become.

This tree stands tall along the path that I walk. Many have carved their initials on its trunk leaving scars without giving any thought, to its beauty or being.

and yet it...

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May First, Muguet Day
2024-05-01 21:58 UTC by French la Vie

On the first of May, the French give Muguet (Lilly of the Valley) to each other. I love it! French Husband (like 99 percent of France's population) will go out early in the morning, returning with a brin for whoever is home. It is the symbol of giving happiness to one another. 

The song below is a French classic... 

Les Temps...

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Maison du Village. A House inside a Village
2024-04-30 09:48 UTC by French la Vie

French village and blue shutters 

We live in a small village outside of Marseilles. It is over a thousand years old—yes, over a thousand years old. A section of Roman road... (History) has passed through this village, down our street, in my house, and where I stand.

Our house is called a "MAISON DU VILLAGE," which means it is not a castle or a bastide. A Maison du...

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Maison du Village. A House inside a Village
2024-04-30 09:48 UTC by French la Vie

French village and blue shutters 

We live in a small village outside of Marseilles. It is over a thousand years old—yes, over a thousand years old. A section of Roman road... (History) has passed through this village, down our street, in my house, and where I stand.

Our house is called a "MAISON DU VILLAGE," which means it is not a castle or a bastide. A Maison du...

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