Holy in the Daily

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Happy Thanksgiving, Friends!

Happy Thanksgiving! The house is clean, I’m heading to the kitchen to cook, and the kids and grandchildren will arrive in a few hours. I know this is happening in homes all over America. Mine is no different, and yet it is.

Each of our families and friends make Thanksgiving special and unique. Your grandmother’s famous recipe probably graces your Thanksgiving table, but it will be a different dish than the one I place on my table.

My family’s dysfunctions and personality quarks are not the same as yours. Our family jokes hold our history and our memories are stored in the stories we retell every year. So are yours.

Over the years new folks are added to the dinner table, while others are missed. Their legacy lives on in the twinkle of a child’s eyes or the prayers said over the laden table with family and friends gathered around it.

Happy Thanksgiving!

May it be a time for story telling, laughter, good food, and the whisper of the Holy Spirit gracing your holiday gathering.

Don’t sweat the small stuff … turn it into an opportunity to laugh or grow.

Hug the kids and the grandpas.

Recount the Lord’s blessings over each of you this past year.

And invite Jesus to linger with you over that pumpkin pie.

Happy Thanksgiving,

P.S. Don’t miss a thing. Pick up my Spiritual Legacy Newsletter here and receive your free Spiritual Legacy Kitchen Drawer: 5 utensils for serving up your legacy of faith.

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