26 Crazy Facts about Google

We are fascinated with Google. And that’s not surprising, from the Googleplex to Google Doodles, Google culture to Google glass, there’s something about Google’s bold and disruptive moves and celebratory and explorative culture that gets the attention of even non-techies.

With a name that, in less than a generation, has become a verb, we can’t decide if we want everything they do succeed or fail. After all, their primary source of income is all about selling advertising, based on content that is freely provided by billions of users around the world. But isn’t their motto, “Don’t be evil”?

Amazon’s Kindle device and disruptions of shopping and  publishing, not to mention the massive backbone of internet service that AWS provides to the world, while easily as swift and important as Google’s impact on business and society somehow doesn’t seem as interesting to the news.

While Google doesn’t have a “fanboy” base as Apple does, and Google doesn’t hold theatrical events for new releases and acquisitions, the public does seem to want to know more about the “rags to riches” story of Larry Page and Sergey Brin, and this infographic, a simple collection of anecdotal factoids gathered from Mashable.com, businessinsider.com, telegraph.co.uk, cnn.com, themost10.com, oxforddictionaries.com, facts.randomhistory.com, and businessweek.

You’ll find nothing earthshattering here, and no mention of Google’s apparent flops in social media (despite the massive success of YouTube and steady use of Google+ and Hangouts) but it’s a fun read and does show us how quickly this company with a misspelled name has changed the world.

CREDIT: This infographic was provided to VizWorld by
