

Homeward Bound!

JL and Paul

We’re getting ready to pack to leave Turks & Caicos and I realized I’ve hardly posted any pictures since we’ve been here. They’re all on Instagram… and of course there are many more in my phone and on our camera for later use as I write up some blog posts on our experience. But I thought I might put together a collage of some of my favorites before we head out this morning.

Highlights of our trip: definitely sailing yesterday, hanging out in the pool with some good blogging buddies, and perching at the swim-up bar while the bartenders put on a spectacular show mixing drinks… it was part bartending, part circus!

It’s been a lovely time but I cannot WAIT to get home and hug my kids. I don’t typically miss my kids when I travel (I know, I’m heartless) but this time, with so many families here, fun stuff for kids to do, and just knowing how much they would LOVE this place, I’ve really missed them. It was great to have some time away with my husband, but this particular trip would have been even MORE enjoyable with our kids. We hope to come back with them some day.

all inclusive caribbean

Meanwhile, here are a few photo highlights.

Beaches Turks and CaicosAnd unfortunately, thanks to our sailing expedition yesterday, my mal de barquement syndrome is back. Good times. At least I know what I’m in for this time around. Hopefully it won’t be any worse than last time and it will go away again. And I do have my meds with me in case I need them on the plane today.

I don’t regret it, though. I will never forget sailing with my husband on those azure waters. I knew when I went out that this was a risk, but I was determined not to let that stop me from doing something that I really wanted to do. Who knows if I will ever get the chance again.

Being out there on the open water, far away from anything and anyone, with the tepid water splashing up between the pontoons and gazing down into the clear blue depths (trying not to imagine how deep it was or what might be down there) . . . it was definitely worth it.

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