New Discoveries, Eating Healthy and the Tale of a Gadget

Here are a few highlights of cancer research news that have recently caught my attention:

    • New brain cancer mutation identified by scientists at Duke in collaboration with researchers in China. More on the discovery of the PPM1D mutation can be found in the journal Nature Genetics.
    • Researchers at the Albert Einstein Cancer Center of Albert Einstein College of Medicine of Yeshiva University and Montefiore Einstein Center for Cancer Care have published the findings of their case control study where they delineate the association between TMEM (tumor microenvironment of metastasis) score and risk of distant metastasis. Results are published in the Journal of the National Cancer Institute.
    • Researchers at Case Western University have made a discovery regarding the function of the pluripotent stem cells, how they develop and the role they play in the body. This breakthrough may potentially lead to disease prevention. For more on this study, see ScienceDaily.
    • Bariatric surgery may lower cancer risk. The systematic review study was led by Daniela Casagrande of the Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul in Brazil.. Results were published in the journal Obesity Surgery.
    • Here are six recommendations for eating healthy and preventing cancer by the Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine.
    • Curing cervical cancer with a gadget: the story of Dr. David Walmer.

Please feel free to contact Marisol Hernandez to share any comments.