Thursday, August 30, 2018

Trump Cancels Pay Raises for Almost 2 Million Federal Workers

President Trump has a New Talking Point: This Economy Ranks among the Greatest in U.S. History. He Tweeted that “In many ways this is the greatest economy in the HISTORY of America and the best time EVER to look for a job!” He followed that up with a Tweet saying the Current Conditions could be “the best economy in the history of our country.”

President Trump announced Today he was Canceling Across-the-Board Pay Raises for Civilian Workers across the Federal Government, citing the “Nation’s Fiscal Situation.” “We must maintain efforts to put our nation on a fiscally sustainable course, and federal agency budgets cannot sustain such increases,” the President wrote in a Letter to Congressional Leaders.

Under Trump’s Policy, roughly 1.8 Million People wouldn’t get an Automatic Pay Boost next year, including Border Patrol and ICE Agents. The Administration’s stance sets up a Funding Fight with Congress next Month, as Party Leaders attempt to reach a Sweeping Agreement to keep the Government Open before the Start of the Next Fiscal Year on Oct. 1st.

Most Civilian Workers are slated to receive a 2.1% Increase under a years-old Government Formula. But the President argues that Pay Raises should be Tied to “Performance” rather than “Across-the-Board” Increases. Trump would also nix Extra Pay Increases for Federal Workers living in more Expensive Parts of the Country, including Washington, D.C., where Employees last year saw a 28.22% Increase thanks to so-called “Locality” Pay. This adds up to about $25 Billion next Fiscal year, according to the White House.

The Senate has already Backed a 1.9% Pay Raise for Civilian Federal Employees this year, but House Republicans have Approved their own Spending Bill that Endorses the White House’s Pay Freeze.

The Backlash on Thursday was evident from Union Leaders across the Federal Government. Robert Martinez Jr., President of the Machinists Union International, called it a “slap in the face” for Workers. “We are approaching a dangerous national security situation when we will be unable to attract the best and brightest to fill important roles within our federal government,” Martinez said in a Statement.

Rank-and-File Democrats, including Sen. Mark Warner (D-VA) and Rep. Gerry Connolly (D-VA 11th District), are pushing Negotiators in both Chambers to Agree to Override Trump‘s Proposal by the Deadline. “Congress can and must stand up to the President and reject this assault on our federal workers by passing the 1.9 percent pay raise that the Senate approved on August 1,” Warner said in a Statement.

White House Administrations typically issue Pay Orders at the End of August, often with a Small Raise, to avoid costly Automatic Pay Increases in the Absence of a Spending Bill in place by Oct. 1st, said Tim Kauffman, a Spokesman for the American Federation of Government Employees.

Union Officials say Congress should Avoid that outcome by Approving at least the 1.9% Increase already Approved in the Senate. “Federal employees deserve the full measure of pay comparability provided by the law, and a 1.9 percent increase is the minimum that Congress should consider,” American Federation of Government Employees, President J. David Cox, said in a Statement.

Last year, Congress and the White House Agreed to an Average Pay Raise of 1.4% for Federal Civilian Workers and 2.1% for Uniformed Service Members. This year, Members of the Military are slated for a 2.6% Raise, the Largest in a Decade.

Under the Obama Administration, Civilian Workers were Subjected to Multiple years of Pay Freezes as the Federal Government weathered the Recession. Trump’s move is Unexpected, though, in a soaring Economy that surged 4.2%t last Quarter.

It’s the latest Example of the Trump Administration’s ongoing Battle against Government Employee Unions. This Spring, Trump signed Executive Orders to make it easier for Managers to Fire Underperforming Federal Employees and to Order the Renegotiation of Collective Bargaining Agreements. This week, a Judge Struck Down Key Parts of those Orders, arguing that Trump Exceeded his Authority by Intentionally seeking to Hamstring Unions’ Ability to Negotiate.

Trump just taking his Business Problems with Unions to the White House.

NYC Wins When Everyone Can Vote! Michael H. Drucker

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