District 4 debate recap: Here's how the candidates answered every question.

Brian Edwards
Montgomery Advertiser
Candidate pose for a picture during a city council district 4 candidate forum in Montgomery, Ala., on Tuesday, Aug. 14, 2018.

Editors Note: Questions by both the moderator and answers from the candidates are paraphrased for both clarity and length. When possible, the Montgomery Advertiser attempted to fact check and clear up inconsistencies or inaccuracies in the candidates' statements.

What do you perceive as the 3 most important issues in District 4? How would you address those?

Audrey Graham: Community and growth are two central pieces to her platform. She also said that crime and education issues can be fixed by building stronger community bonds.

A central part of Graham's campaign is creating a caring community that supports itself, she said. On her first day in office, she would begin a "boots on the ground" effort to study the issues in the community.

Ja'Mel Brown: For the last 15 years, Brown said he has attended different government meetings, including the city council.

At those meetings and after talking talk to people in the district, he has heard that Jobs and infrastructure are the most important issues for the district. If they fix the roads, plant trees and put in better lighting, businesses will populate west Montgomery and bring jobs to the area. There isn't any reason that people should travel to east Montgomery to eat at a restaurant, he said.

Also, he said there is only one grocery store in the district, which is an issue.

Fact check: Brown has not been to most of the council meetings within the last year.

James Brown Jr: There is a perception that there aren't services for the district, but that isn't true. The council member must do a better job of telling people existing services are available, and connecting them to the right resources.

Crime is an issue as well, and the culture of "no snitching" needs to be rooted out, Brown said.

Apprenticeships and trade work are severely underused and under promoted for job and career creation, he said.

Quartez "Dan" Harris: We need to focus on neighborhood empowerment. The people that live in the city know what is best for their area. When those groups are strong, they will help prevent crime.

4-year and 2-year college are equally important, Harris said, and they will each provide unique opportunities for the area's youth.

Economic development is the final piece, he said, echoing Ja'Mel Brown's point about the lack of grocery stores.

William Boyd speaks during a city council district 4 candidate forum in Montgomery, Ala., on Tuesday, Aug. 14, 2018.

William Boyd:  Often times, council members make lots of promises but realize that their powers are more limited in office. That results in people who cater to the mayor or whoever can help their district, he said.

Boyd said he has a 44-page plan written by his west Montgomery neighbor. That plan has been submitted to the mayor, he said, though it hasn't been acted on.

The district needs backbone and someone will to stand up to the powers that be, Boyd said, and he will provide it.

Clarification: The Advertiser has not seen Boyd's plan, but the city unveiled plans in January for the revitalization of Fairview Avenue, which Boyd said has been a central aspect of his business plans for west Montgomery.

More:Retail, new housing coming to Fairview Ave. in west Montgomery

Doris Anthony Cooper: Revitalization is key for the community.

To do so, you need perspective, Cooper said, which she has. When the Civil Rights Trail was created, it routed around the actual trail, she said, which goes through west Montgomery. There needs to be more efforts to get people and businesses into the neighborhoods along the trail.

The history of the neighborhood is important, she said, and knowing that history will allow development of the district's strengths.

How will you bring growth/revitalization back to the district?

Harris: There needs to be tax cuts and incentives to bring businesses and people into the district, especially in abandoned buildings.

Boyd: The mayor is the CEO of the city. If you have a councilman with a strong backbone, they can go in with a plan and a vision to present the mayor. As an entrepreneur, Boyd said he knows that you can't force businesses into a certain area.

The city gives money to the Chamber of Commerce each year to encourage development. That plan for west Montgomery should be shown to everyone, he said. In his opinion, is that the mayor is only focused on downtown.

Cooper: You need integrity that people are willing to follow. Cooper said she believes she has that voice.

There needs to be district meetings between all of the neighborhood heads.

Finally, there needs to be a concerted effort to get people that moved out of west Montgomery back into it.

James Brown Jr. speaks during a city council district 4 candidate forum in Montgomery, Ala., on Tuesday, Aug. 14, 2018.

Graham: Again, she said that building the people up within the community will cause revitalization and viable businesses to follow.

Graham pushed back against outside money, saying she wants people to lift themselves up and invest in their community. She said she wants to work with the Chamber and the mayor as well.

People in the district need to come to council meetings, however, and support their council person to show that there is a political will for change, she said.

Ja'Mel Brown: The preaching and dream selling sounds good, but it isn't a plan to bring jobs.

No one wants to be on the west side of town, Brown said, unless the infrastructure is in place. Without a plan, there won't be any changes, he said.

James Brown Jr.: The issue is whether District 4 is economically viable. There have been efforts to undermine the district, he said.

We need to make sure that property values remain high, Brown said, because the city is going to eventually wrap back around toward the west when they have run out of room on the east.

More:Ja'Mel Brown: City Council District 4 candidate

More:James Brown Jr: City Council District 4 candidate

Do you think property taxes should increase to better fund schools?

Ja'Mel Brown: No. There is already enough of a tax burden on senior citizens and single mothers of west Montgomery.

Montgomery should split off from the MPS and create its own school system, he said.

Graham: Property taxes could be raised, if they were earmarked to school funding. Council members can't control the schools, she said, but they need to advocate for good leadership at the board.

Cooper: Instead of a property tax increase, an occupational tax may be an option. That would put money in city coffers, she said, and would offset the "mass exodus" of people going to Prattville and Millbrook each night after work.

Boyd: Declined to answer because he said he would need more numbers and research to commit to a tax change.

Harris: Property taxes likely aren't a good option. Echoed Cooper about a possible occupational tax, but, like Boyd, said he would like to hear more research.

James Brown Jr: Some people in the city are conspiring to lower property values in west Montgomery, he said. That means there is no push to raise property taxes either.

We can't afford it, Brown said. Nearly everyone in District 4 is a longtime family owner. All the development downtown because of the civil rights trail should, rightfully, be moved to west Montgomery, Brown said.

Fact check: At one point, Brown said that the city is attempted to raise the gas tax by $0.04. It is attempting, in the mayor's proposed budget, to raise it by $0.02.

More:Doris Cooper Anthony: City Council District 4 candidate

Ja’Mel Brown speaks to the crowd during a city council district 4 candidate forum in Montgomery, Ala., on Tuesday, Aug. 14, 2018.

Juvenile curfew was recently a hot topic. What is your take to provide more activities to avoid a curfew and prevent them from committing crimes?

Boyd: He mentioned possible developments that are not public yet would bring a theme park to Montgomery. That is a positive because kids need more recreation, Boyd said.

The project has been brought to the city before, he said, and is not yet finalized.

Anthony: Every community needs an activity center. Churches used to have activities for its youngest members. There are many avenues to create opportunities for the city's youngest citizens.

Some of the children who are out late don't have strong parents, which points to larger issues in the district. You can't legislate them stay in, she said.

Graham: There needs to be both businesses and churches in west Montgomery that provide opportunities for kids to keep out of trouble.

As the community grows, Graham said it needs to watch out for itself to stop crime. That attitude of having each others backs has disappeared, she said.

Ja'Mel Brown: The police don't need to babysit kids. They need to fight actual crime.

The problem is that kids don't have access to jobs, he said, so they get into illegal activities to keep their struggling families afloat. If they can work, let's get them jobs.

James Brown Jr: Churches are the center of communities. They need to become involved to provide for nearby families. Along with that, more involvement and resources for community centers and parks is needed.

Doris Cooper Anthony speaks during a city council district 4 candidate forum in Montgomery, Ala., on Tuesday, Aug. 14, 2018.

Harris: There needs to be more work with kids-based nonprofits.

Harris, who works with Connecting Life Sports and Family Resource Center, helps connect kids to activities. More opportunities like that, he said, would be part of a holistic approach that includes educating young parents.

More:William Boyd: City Council District 4 candidate

More:City flags $43K in audit of council's 2017 discretionary funds

What type of development would you like to bring into district 4 that has occurred in other parts of the city?

James Brown Jr: Economic development has passed by District 4. They need to bring the Civil Rights Trail back through the district.

There were lots of cleaning and renovation that happened on the 50th anniversary march, he said, and those types of efforts need to be continuous, not a one-time thing.

Harris: There needs to be grocery stores. There are more dollar stores than grocery stores.

West Montgomery is the gateway to the city, especially from the airport. More restaurants and opportunities should be available for visitors to go to right as they enter town, he said.

Boyd: There needs to be an overall plan. He has one and will present it to the mayor. He agreed that the Civil Rights Trail should have hotels and restaurants built around it.

Cooper: Tourism is the number one attraction for west Montgomery. 

There needs to be coffee shops, computer cafes and other places for people to spend their time and get to know each other. There are also opportunities for mom-and-pop shops to fill gaps in the community.

Graham: A Walmart would be an excellent addition to west Montgomery. There is the space and desire for it, she said.

She said she would also like to see some department stores come to District 4, and derided the idea that she needs to go to east Montgomery to buy a nice outfit.

Ja'Mel Brown: He has already created a plan for a "Westchase Mall" in the district where several business could plant their roots. Whoever is elected, they need to partner with state lawmakers to bring state money and incentives to the area.

More:Nathaniel "Doc" Bracy: City Council District 4 candidate

More:Audrey Graham: City Council District 4 candidate

Audrey Graham speaks to the crowd during the city council district 4 candidate forum in Montgomery, Ala., on Tuesday, Aug. 14, 2018.

What would you do to address abandoned homes?

Graham: Torn down homes just result in vacant lots that aren't kept up.

We should be bringing in businesses that can buy abandoned properties for a discounted price to renovate them and help grow upon the neighborhoods existing infrastructure.

They should also utilize existing programs and nonprofits that revitalize homes and help single mothers become homeowners.

Ja'Mel Brown: We need to tear down houses that violate codes. Turn them into urban gardens and teach kids how to grow food.

Many of the abandoned homes are a state issue, he said, which makes it difficult for the city to do anything with them.

James Brown Jr: Vacant buildings provide serious health issues for the community. There needs to be partnerships with existing nonprofits and entrepreneurs to renovate the properties.

First though, the properties need to be cleaned before anyone will want to move into them.

Harris: There should be partnerships with groups like Job Corps to have kids and unemployed residents clean up homes and board up windows.

That will help avoid demolitions, he said, which may lower property values.

Boyd: Some of the homes in the neighborhoods need to go because of the rough shape that they are in. It all depends on the location. Right now, the city has only focused on revitalizing downtown.

Fact check: Boyd said that the city receives federal money for the demolitions and council members choose which houses are torn down. Both are untrue.

Quartez ‘Dan’ Harris speaks during a city council district 4 candidate forum in Montgomery, Ala., on Tuesday, Aug. 14, 2018.

Cooper: Urban renewal is important and it is an issue that needs to be promoted. But those in charge of it need to avoid gentrification and the pricing out of current residents.

When the homes are replaced, she said something needs to go in their place.

More:Montgomery marches on in fight against blight

More:District 4 candidates face off over economics, revitalization and perception in Tuesday forum

If you aren’t elected, what would you do to improve the district?

Anthony: No matter what, advocacy is a part of the work she does. No matter who wins, she will be available to help.

Boyd: He has run for office multiple times, works with business and protests for social justice causes. No matter what happens, he will be a prominent voice in the area

Harris: He was in the military for 17 years. Service and working for the district is something that he has always done and will still do.

James Brown Jr: It is very difficult for him not to involve himself in the area.

There are several neighborhood groups he is involved in and will continue to be. He has always been involved in charity and giving to others.

Ja'Mel Brown: He considers himself a leader in the community. If he loses, he said he would likely run for the seat again in 2019.

Graham: As her neighborhood association president and public servant, Graham said she is always working to better the public sphere.

More:Quartez 'Dan' Harris: City Council District 4 candidate

Audrey Graham speaks during a city council district 4 candidate forum in Montgomery, Ala., on Tuesday, Aug. 14, 2018.